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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    I wonder if it's because Frank Darabont is planning to do a lot of rewrites/changes to the script.
  2. deepak

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Season two starts October 2011
  3. Hey I'm hoping the Jets get crushed tomorrow. That way Shelly makes the playoffs and the Pats win and aren't shoe horned into a possible wild card Watching the Colts lose to Dallas made my Sunday
  4. deepak


    edit: oh wtf, posted before seeing the next page of replies
  5. Benching Adrian Peterson might have got Shelly into the playoffs. Who knew he would score 31 points on a healing ankle
  6. The difference in sound between my older Planar 3 and MH MMF-5 wasn't that big. The Rega had a higher quality tonearm. I trust Marc, so I am assuming the P3-24 is substantially better.
  7. I would not advise anyone to buy a Music Hall. From five years ago all these outfits have continued to increase their price as well.
  8. They're all the same table, terrible build quality, massive dealer markup, lots of shills
  9. Mad Men
  10. With those cheaper Czech tables you will have to lift the platter and move the belt to switch between 33 and 45 rpm unless you buy a speed box which is an extra cost. In that price range I would get an SL-1200 if you plan to listen to lots of audiophile jazz reissues.
  11. deepak

    Blu-spec CD

    No idea if it will make a difference in a CD player. But when ripped to a hardrive the data is identical to a remastered regular CD.
  12. 120-240v 12v, 2a -/+ CS-1202000 is the model number, and it has wavy lines engraved on the back of the wart
  13. That sucks I have it preordered from amazon UK I guess I won't be disappointed if my order is canceled. I agree the high res sounds so good.
  14. 24/192 Classic Records HDAD+ with HE60
  15. Nice! It is a great box set.
  16. 24/192 Classic Records HDAD+
  17. How do those amps sound, have semiconductors come a long way in 30 years that modern Class A/AB amps would sound better?
  18. Bump I might just use something like Collectorz software, but would greatly prefer something HTML/PHP based that I can just scroll through with any web browser from any where.
  19. Oh interesting, I thought it had a digital attenuator like the DA10
  20. deepak

    slow forum

  21. music matters vinyl
  22. Happy birthday Gene
  23. Alright I quickly threw this together so please correct me if I made any mistakes. Here is the final week going into the playoff contendor break down- team/record/total points Hook 9-3 | 1175 iphone 9-3 | 1109 Devil 8-4 | 1294 Chaos 7-5 | 1199 DAC 7-5 | 1146 Iron 7-5 | 1137 It looks like the two teams below are guaranteed playoff spots win or lose: Hook Em iphone Blows Pretty much guaranteed a playoff spot win or lose: Devil Foose (leading in points by 95, would need an extremely low scoring final week assuming a loss to knock me out) Final spot contendors Chaos DAC Iron It is indeed quite close!
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