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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Would this be using the linuxworks/AMB attenuator and an infrared sensor?
  2. GY!BE live boot from archive.org
  3. Everyone knows electrostats are better
  4. Nice, congrats! Did you have to make any additions to this BOM:
  5. Very nice work Andy and others. I am excited to hear what you guys have to say about them
  6. I'm not sure I agree with that. If the item is insured for full value (insurance amount is written on the courier form), customs will get suspicious when they see it as declared for only $200.
  7. music matters 45 rpm
  8. You're not wrong in your assumptions. Headfi'ers always want some new toy to fiddle around with (ie opamp rolling with easily remembered names like "sun" and "moon" ) and Audio-GD has its fair share of shills. Combine those two and...
  9. Happy birthday Doug!
  10. This will still be the most lolworthy expensive watch even more hideous than that world Patek $625000
  11. My guess is Kakaku incorrectly listed the price as 309000, and then later updated it to 349000 but PriceJapan hasn't made the relevant adjustment.
  12. Don't forget about the garter holster!
  13. Uploaded with ImageShack.us great music
  14. lol I should have figured as much when I saw the sub knock off.
  15. One of my friends picked up an old stock Elite Kuro. Truly an impressive set, there is no doubt the blacks are better than my G25 (and his G20). He's flying in someone to have it calibrated after his HT room is finished, going the whole nine yards with built in dimming lighting, curtains over the tv, etc. He will have two dedicated rooms for just audio/video and audio
  16. What watch is that in the top left?
  17. Wes do you know how long you'll run the Neko loaner for? I am interested in auditioning, but bought two DACs this year and want to get familiar with both first.
  18. Yeah like Mike I am interested in it for home theater and surround gaming, not music.
  19. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

    You could never do it. Question answered
  20. This has always been in the back of my mind when the price drops or more companies adopt the technology. Many people have said they couldn't tell the difference between the headphones and speakers with the Smyth. lol @ magic box
  21. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

  22. It is great that Stax are not reusing the SR-007/4070 flight cases and instead using a wood box
  23. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

    I thought about buying one of the many used pairs, but I can't justify buying a dynamic amp after how much the estat amp is costing
  24. lol so typical of AudioCubes
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