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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I would be pretty pissed if this happened to my $500 device, I'd probably drive to Apple (who are a bleeding hour away) and give the closest genius a piece of my mind. Then stop for ice cream because it is hot out and I don't like to use the AC.
  2. Started watching about 3 minutes into the first period. Unbelievable, I do not understand Luongo, that last name must be cursed.
  3. Looking good so far
  4. The Flaming Lips - Hear It Is (vinyl reissue)
  5. audeze lcd-2 from jp# and a Gilmore Lite
  6. Happy birthday Scott
  7. That solves the weight "paradox" as well
  8. Even better finish ice cream, go back in time and...enjoy again
  9. Hmmm if blutarsky is attending I will have to seriously reconsider my not going comment. Maybe I can bring Fred with me, he won't even require an extra airline seat
  10. Anyone make any good music on Google's logo tribute to Les Paul?
  11. I'm watching, and on the edge of my seat pulling for the Bruins. I never would have thought they had a chance after game 2
  12. after this a delta blues comp
  13. I could see the sorrow in your eyes There is no way these are worse than the Edition 9 though right...right? If so and
  14. I finally joined the iphone4 brigade and I really like it so far. I spent a while playing around with every Android phone at Verizon and with all of them I noticed slight "delay" when flicking over app screens. Also the screen on the iphone looked the best to me, pixels stuck out too much on all the others. Otherwise I could live with any of them. And the pharm software to calculate dosages was already available on iphone but not yet on Android. The only thing that sucks is having to pay a cell bill again after having free service for a year
  15. It doesn't sound far off from a Chelsea accent to me. I blew through 3 seasons of Parks and Recreation the last few weeks, I love this show.
  16. Brahms and Beethoven Concerto discs
  17. I set 40 mm as my cut off point, but with my wrists you can see the protrusion of the end of the ulna bone where it meets the small wrist bones
  18. I was a bit surprised by the bass as well, made them really fun for rock. John said they are fairly forgiving headphones and with the bass emphasis and laid back treble I can completely understand that.
  19. Thanks! That is considerably cheaper. I'm not sure if it is possible to use a modified HDMI cable off the Oppo. The way these are ripped the digital is never converted to analog. If I do end up doing this, I'll make it a free service for any Casers.
  20. Any recommendations for cheap HDMI to optical converters? Something like this is what I'm looking for, but less than $170 http://www.octavainc.com/HDMI%201x1%20Audio%20Converter.html Basically looking to convert all my single layer SACDs to 24/88 PCM and this box aids in that with the appropriate Oppo player.
  21. Anyone have favorite recipes for lamb? One of my favorites is a spinach lamb curry, I'll post it up later this evening.
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