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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Alright Jeff, welcome to team cooks their meat for a couple of days
  2. http://achtungbaby.u2.com/ Now you can have Bono's sunglasses to go with that scarf. Sunglasses edition supposed to be ~ $400 or 500. I can't think of a more desperate move than that by the music industry
  3. I can appreciate the color accuracy, and really liked my MicronPC relabeled Sony Trinitron monitor, but after several hours of use my eyes were so strained. Even running it at a high refresh rate. I could never go back now that IPS panels have gotten so good.
  4. He must have acquired Charles Hansen number of quantities, he is not running out any time soon
  5. disappointed this seems to have been removed from the Music Matters release list
  6. Cool, thanks again Jeff. Looks good With an 8 person league I would chop down the number of bench seats. I mentioned this last year, but I had no problems being ranked fairly highly and missing out on waivers due to the number of bench spots.
  7. Seriously? Sorry to hear that I believe Sanyo still has the 3675, if someone has a business consider doing another group buy from them, minimum purchase quantity is 200.
  8. Jeff I might have a friend who is interested (and would be active) if no one else on Head-case steps up (last resort option, as it makes more sense to keep it a forum member league).
  9. Too many S-V haters on HC...that have never tried it
  10. Nothing here. But I ordered a month after you did, fingers crossed!
  11. deepak

    Top Gear

    I disagree on ending it. As a car show it is still a million times better than Fifth Gear. I still watch it to see new cars, maybe even more than their hijinks.
  12. Hermes ties. Such fun prints, without sticking out.
  13. deepak

    Top Gear

    Finally caught up through the current season. I want that Niss-in GTR more than ever!
  14. I'm estimating I've had about 70/30 shot in getting new vinyl that is noisy turn quiet after a cleaning (70% in favor of). I am only talking about vinyl that is visually pristine but noisy. Not vinyl with scuffs/scratches; no amount of cleaning can absolve those issues. I know this isn't all in my head, since I've played something, heard the noise on headphones, cleaned the vinyl and then listened again and the vinyl is pretty much dead silent. I screen all my new vinyl on headphones since there are a lot of problems that speakers can't detect (or it's super faint). My method is DD Miracle (2 parts DD, 1 part deionized water) vacuum, followed 2 deionized water vacuum cycles on my VPI 16.5 I'll only clean new vinyl if it's noisy. Otherwise like JP I don't believe mold release compound has anything to do with noise or sound quality.
  15. deepak

    Stax plug

    Does Woo still sell the teflon connectors? Might be better off just going with them... (IMO better than using cheap connectors that might change the shape of expensive Stax cables)
  16. Thanks a lot Todd. In thread search is still broken, and was a huge benefit for finding info in the long DIY threads.
  17. deepak


    Taxi Driver BD $11.50 http://www.amazon.com/Taxi-Driver-Blu-ray-Robert-Niro/dp/B004IFYMYI/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1312147687&sr=1-1
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