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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I take it these will be able to be used with a rotary pot? Thanks for the hard work Kerry and KG.
  2. 3u silver Pessante case without heatsinks
  3. I'm actually listening to digital a lot more these days after getting the DAC3.1, so maybe the occasional dusting isn't so bad vs dropping $250
  4. nice upgrade from the OJC cd. Listening on LCD-2 now and it is rather fine...
  5. Very nice! thanks for the link above as well
  6. Woops. 8/30 and 8/31 are fine with me. Really any days except for Friday/Saturdays are fine, I am flexible.
  7. Wed 8/31 works great for me. Preferably after 8 pm (eastern) I would just prefer not Friday/Saturday nights as I'd rather be out
  8. I know Apple goes through those measures to prevent piracy of their video and audio files, but that sounds pretty bloody ridiculous to me.
  9. Dusting my platter has become a major pain in the butt whenever I want to listen since I have no dust cover. Any recommendations for the type of companies that would be able to manufacture a clear acrylic cover? I would rather see about exploring this route than pay for one from an audiophile outfit.
  10. There are already reports of people saying they are bright, the graph sort of just confirms it... bright isn't a bad thing btw.
  11. Not sure if you guys are anti hip hop or just the Kanye album? If it is the latter then I agree with you. For the former I do think there is some really great hip hop out there (though a lot of it will never see radio play or even get reviewed by big pubs), but I admittedly listen to less of it these days because it is a chore sifting through the crap .
  12. I have a very heavy package arriving from Lil' Knight I'll be sending packages to: Deadneddz, n3rdling, livewire, inu, cobra_kai, bada bing, Milosz, justin, Kevin Gilmore, Kerry, horio and morphsci. I'll give you guys the shipping totals when I get these packed up. I'm going to buy the packing materials after I get the boards to make sure the envelopes will be thick enough for all the boards plus extra padding/cardboard.
  13. What do people think of Kanye West My Dark Twisted Fantasy now that it has been out for a while? I listened to it again last night and I still don't understand the hype this album gets. There are some great songs, but to merit the high reviews pretty much all the album should be flawless.
  14. Thanks someone else pointed me to McMaster-Carr. I believe KG used bubble wrap envelopes with cardboard inserts to send the original T2 boards out
  15. Happy birthday Tyll
  16. If anyone wants to do me a favor and link to some place that sells bubble envelopes big enough for the T2 amp board (plus thick enough for the PSU board, and other boards and cardboard inserts) that would be great (it will be so much cheaper than having the UPS store pack them)
  17. Oh Jeff is on board team sous-vide
  18. What I'd like to see is those measurements overlayed with SR-Omega
  19. I too am concerned about the peak. Hope they aren't tonally like the SR-404 or SR-507. Though it looks like those Lambda peaks occur at a higher frequency
  20. Rehosted since they were only loading after multiple clicks (might be a HC software problem?)
  21. Well I like the wacky stuff like Schizophrenia and Super Nova edit: d'oh just got the schizophrenia joke
  22. That is such a great album
  23. In thread search is still broken (sorry to be a nag)
  24. Ah alright thanks.
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