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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Raiders made the most bone headed decision this year IMO. Getting Carson Palmer and giving away a first round draft pick next year and possible 2013... Bengals made out like a bandit there.
  2. You overrode me for Eric Decker on the waiver wire even though we have the same record, curse you!
  3. One of those is an empty case One is brown MK1, other is SR-007BL (mk1) But I'll always have an O2
  4. our first tie in the Head-Case league? ...and with that said, the bye week hells begin!
  5. I still plan to buy an SR-009, but a bit more money just got sucked out of its kitty (yes these are MK1...full warranty as well)
  6. deepak

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Walking Dead season 2 has started
  7. I just compared the Michael Tilson Thomas/SFO M3 in 24/96 (his interpretation is a bit Bernstein-esque; very dramatic and powerful, huge dynamic swings as well) on LCD-2 r1 (balanced w. Dynamite) and my severely under driven Stax O2 mk1 on the transformer box and I still end up preferring the O2 for this sort of grand symphony music. The O2 has quite good bass impact and I don't mind giving up that last bit of punch for the superior detail, fine nuance and stage depth. I think I have to hear a rev2 someday, since I prefer even my balanced HD580 to the LCD-2 for classical.
  8. My problem with LCD-2 (r1) for any classical or jazz is their poor imaging and lack of spacial depth and muddling of some fine detail. I enjoy them most with hard rock.
  9. How would O2 fare in that comparison? I think I will play the Levine M3 after dinner
  10. edit: I think I fixed it. Was some weird cookie issue in my browser
  11. So no Singlepower Concerto/Maestros there?
  12. I am still seeing read threads in view new content, is it broken again? (Not on a mobile browser, on FF7)
  13. I'm just saying that having heard speakers at shows that sound like pure boom and sizzle. But then hearing them later in a room with bass traps and first second reflection treatments and they sound like completely different speakers.
  14. IMO a lot of it is the lack of room treatments. It causes some real nasty effects in some of those rooms. But the bad music is inexcusable.
  15. Another fail week of ESPN predictions, IIRC they predicted 130ish for me in both leagues. Result = both leagues under 90. But Pats pull through with 2 minutes in the 4th against the fucking Cowboys, so I happy
  16. They could be cloned. It would be very expensive to use NOS brown Stax earpads. One way to tell- see if there is a horizontal seam between the pad closest to the ear and the part distal from it when looking at the headphones from the front. Also the foam in the Stax pads is soft, if the pads stay stiff when the headphones are on the head they aren't Stax. See pics: (this is wrong on so many levels Stax pads on cheap ATs :'( )
  17. Is Hammerhead the turn Clarkson was terrified of taking the F1 car into? He kept slowing down too much that he wasn't able to keep heat on tires? edit: nope nevermind watched the episode, that was a really wide turn he needed to keep high speed into
  18. So what were the best sounding speaker setups?
  19. Have you guys tried playing around with the dampening material inside the earcups? Does the material inside tend to deteriorate like the Lambda foam?
  20. The onboard version will fit in the 16x16x4 Par-Metal case. For some reason I thought the latest revision psu made it not possible to do so. There is a little over 15 cm (short length) for the transformer.
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