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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. The cart upgrade itch was nagging me for a while so I decided to buy one of these Blooms (low ouput) from Mehran. Will update on when I get it The price went up quite a bit from when this thread was started, but I prefer to buy carts brand new and I can't think of any others in the under $700 range I wanted to try more.
  2. Probably a dumb question since audio memory is fleeting, but did you notice any difference in sound between the IXYS and a1968?
  3. That's a big order, what you building?
  4. There are 11 seconds left in the 4th, and it's 3rd and 15 after the off sides penalty and Dave Brubeck has just used THEIR LAST TIME OUT, can they score the game winning drive??
  5. A sad loss for me in league 1, but I'm pleased about getting Julio Jones off the FA assuming he continues to play like that
  6. This is a good point, but IMO even true full range electrostatic speakers like Sound Labs will have more impact than all the electrostatic headphones I've heard.
  7. Oh really? In that case ygpm about my Omega 2 jk
  8. Nice, when I'm more flush I will see about auditioning one of these from an online dealer.
  9. With the Amarra 4/LIO-8 can you have the balanced outputs going to two separate systems? ie a set of outputs to a preamp and another set of outputs to a headaphone amp, and then choose which one it outputs to?
  10. You might like Buckethead Population Override. Good technical playing, but also musical and not just the same old wank wank wank, tempo change, wank wank wank.
  11. Etymotic ER20s since I misplaced my current pair. Good thing I found this out before the Steven Wilson concert
  12. I am thoroughly in love with the Stax SR-Omega.
  13. deepak

    Battlefield 3

    That's why I thought it was more fun to screw around, instead playing ultra serious like they did (disabling voice talk on BF2 was a must). That's my take on public servers, if they want to play super serious go to a private server.
  14. deepak

    Battlefield 3

    I always remembered having the most fun in BF1942, Desert Combat, Vietnam and BF2 when I was just screwing around with the vehicles
  15. Is there anything good about Dream Theater other than the highly technical nature of the musicians? Because IMO outside of that their music absolutely sucks.
  16. I'd rather read a postjack review of a headphone.
  17. Quite a big upgrade to the server software yesterday. Now called "Logitech Media Server" Time to try to get last.fm working, I miss my scrobbles
  18. deepak

    Battlefield 3

    How the heck are people past rank 30 with retail being out for such a short period I recall climbing the ranks in BF2 to take a fair amount of game time.
  19. deepak


    Umm... holy shit the remix sounds good, you're gonna love it. Aqualung sounded dead compared to their other albums, but the remix makes it sound so good. The drums just slam and the bass is nice and defined. Now I'm tempted to order it since the Blu-Ray isn't available separately
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