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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. That is a heck of a collection of toys going to the kids, nice of you lawyers to do something kind for someone
  2. Mythbusters, myth busting gone horribly wrong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj-CErr0VOY
  3. You guys are too fast, 20 minutes after KG's post and Mouser is sold out
  4. I have about 25 hours on the Zyx Bloom and I thought I'd share some of my thoughts. The cart sounds very nice. Immediately noticeable is the incredible amount of soundstage depth I was hearing. This was a dramatic difference from the DL-103 which sounded too flat and 2-demensional (though maybe not a great match for my arm even with a 3g headshell weight). The other thing with the Zyx is it is wonderful tonally, especially in the mids and treble. Cymbal hits are well defined with perfect decays. On the Denon they just tended to sound like "splash splash" with smearing and no clear delineation. Vocal sibilance is also entirely gone, except for a few really bad records. My guess is that the Zyx has an easier time tracking hot/loud parts, allowing the music to sound more clear and natural. Loaded at 100 ohms I think I am a Zyx convert
  5. What are the dimensions of the heatsinks? They also resemble the Vitus Audio monoblocks. Nice work.
  6. deepak


    That's a 2 year old video card, IMO you can do better for $140 with the current gen. List price was never $630 like DailyDeal claims, more like around $220-250 back then.
  7. You're correct, for some reason I thought he was a game up
  8. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

    Keep us updated on how that goes, looks really nice
  9. league 1 playoff seeding: Raffy Tracy Deepak Shelly league 2: Jim Haj Bryan ? (too many 6-6 teams, looks like it comes down to this weeks outcome)
  10. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

    Leben CS300 is a push pull EL84 amp with headphone output, I hear skylab likes it I thought they sounded really good with the Dynamite balanced (with balanced source). A bit better than the G Lite.
  11. deepak


    I remember that as well, that was back in 2003 I think. I passed on that deal since I didn't want to spend $200 or more on a Pimeta (fotm Senn amp)
  12. deepak


    Would you mind listing the IP for the server you play on? Maybe we can get a H-C gathering some weekend. Played a bit of the single player last night, muchos funos even on a trackpad
  13. deepak


    After watching the SA LP I am in. How many people can play together?
  14. What is wrong with the Cap? Man you without a Cap is like Birgir without Stax O2
  15. $800 looks like a steep upgrade for a DAC that sells for ~ $1700-1800 on the used market?
  16. Happy birthday Haj, hope you had a fun day with your family.
  17. You are correct. The pins insert easily enough, but when I try and connect any of my pro bias Stax headphones or SRE-725 extension they will not fit. I can get them maybe 1-2 mm in before there is far too much resistance
  18. Rodrigo's Stax connectors turned out very well. They line up perfectly with the connector PCBs
  19. Warning if erection persists for more than 4 hours while listening to Stax please consult your physician. You might not be a candidate for Stax, and may have to switch to inferior dynamics.
  20. For those of you that bought the 2sa1349 from Electronix (in the bom) are they verified to be real? If anyone has extras, I'm looking for just 2
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