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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Thirding that Sabbath without Ozzy wasn't for me. I love those classic 6 Ozzy era albums, really good lyrically as well. Dio's comical style never suited the band.
  2. It was funny waking up to see two pages of comments regarding my original comment
  3. I think it will depend on what your insurance allows you to do- ie if you can see an ENT surgeon without a PCP referral or not. Sounds like a ruptured eardrum to me as well
  4. As awesome as that jam was, my guess is the real album won't be that great. Hopefully it will be included in a future Archives release, preferably on Blu-Ray. I haven't been able to get into any Neil Young studio albums this last decade.
  5. No problem will report back. I did own the 3440A red, good transformer for the money but I preferred straight in the Pass phono. A lot of people that tried the Partridge 3061 said there was too little bass, but I guess it might have been a cartridge mis-match issue? The internal impedance of the Zyx is very low so I'm hoping it sounds good.
  6. Any reason you have to have 24/192? I doubt anyone could statistically significantly tell the difference between 24/96 and 24/192
  7. I have a Partridge SUT on the way from a Diy Audio member. 3061/SB model, we'll see how it works with the Zyx, there are some nice things said about these transformers which makes me curious. My own tamperings with the 977 didn't go so well.
  8. I got a very nice set in the mail today. Miles Davis complete recordings with his second great quintet including the brilliant Wayne Shorter and Tony Williams. This is my favorite Miles Davis era, I love post bop and modal jazz. 10 record set released as a limited edition by Mosaic Records. Produced by Blue Note propriator Michael Cuscunna all mastered from the original master tapes at Sterling Sound. As usual high quality detailed booklet included. Going to be a good weekend!
  9. Some places will take several weeks off for Chinese New Year.
  10. Split these 5 pages off the T2 amp thread. More KaKnobs!
  11. Take lots of pics and post them here, browsing Headfi with those tiny in-line hosted images sucks
  12. I've been talking to John Chapman from Bent Audio and for about $1000 would get a full remote AVC (TAP-X modules I believe) with remote volume control, source selection and volume indicator on the front (includes custom paneling for front and rear). I've never really needed a remote with my preamps, but the thought is tempting now! The KG attenuator is another option for far less and what I'm leaning towards since I have the boards.
  13. Very nice work Naaman, congrats Steve!
  14. Thought this was a neat photo with all the strange colors. Flaming Lips - Clouds Taste Metallic
  15. Definitely, but close to $300 in input transformers does hurt the wallet
  16. Thanks for the schematic Doug. Sorry I should have been more clear that my intended use is purely single ended only.
  17. You guys are brutal see: And the German seller that has the 2-ch RK50 wants more than what I paid for the quad gang.
  18. The preamp is single ended. Seems like an awful waste to throw money for those other 2 channels I won't need Besides one RK50 is enough insanity
  19. I am on 1.1.9 and it works. Even between "big" upgrades like .9 -> 1 the plugin never needed to be updated.
  20. Cool I will ask Kevin about the 1930s. Any suggestions for an attenuator, I'd like to get something nice so maybe a TKD pot, Sowter (9335) or Intact TVCs?
  21. I am in need of a preamp with some gain and I was thinking about a DIY tube preamp. Doesn't need to have crazy high gain as the power amps will have voltage gain as well. Right now what looks attractive is the K&K Audio active output stage. The level 2 kit comes with most parts including the OPTs. Looks like a fairly good design to me? If not any other suggestions? Preferably something that is well documented.
  22. Happy birthday Jeff, hope it's a good one!
  23. Yep almost all of the reg date people from 2001-04 seem to have just left Headfi. Even browsing the classified section I rarely see any screenames I recognize. Sadly there is some great info there in the archives. But it's a chore to find with the poor search engine.
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