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Everything posted by deepak

  1. RS-1 originally flats. PS-1 always came with bowls. HP-1000 always came with flats. But some people believe that Grado changed the sound of the RS-1 when they moved from flats to bowls so you may not get the same results. My HP-2 came with bowls, flats and HD414 yellow pads. I tried the bowls on them and it sounded pretty bad compared to the flats. Not un-listenable bad, but obvious that they were designed with flats.
  2. Yup both good movies. Didn't get much press but I loved The Life Aquatic.
  3. My favorite movie of 2006. And not because it was 'indie' or anything...it was just the most enjoyable to me. Oh yes I'm a dark comedy fan, sort of a Wes Anderson fanboy.
  4. Yeah I know most people say the HP-2 sounds better. It would just be cool to have since they're getting more and more expensive. I mean this is just crazy, so much clarity yet they sound incredibly fun at the same time. Also the craftsmanship is really nice, once you push the cups to a certain position they don't move around unlike the plasic/wood counterparts.
  5. The guys just crazy in love with them because he hasn't heard better. Honestly anyone that thinks they can give a 100% evaluation of the K1000 at a meet has some screws loose. I've settled on the Grado/AKG sound as well. I would really like to tweak my K340 to do classical. The HD650 have the edge right now, and I can't use the K1000 at all times since they're so open.
  6. I know you told me to give them some time before I pass judgment, but seriously these can do rock! If I ever find a decent deal on an HP-1 I'm jumping on it.
  7. Because it's alright for her to buy a $600 pair of shoes Many thanks to Ken (Toonie). I've only listened to one album so far: Porcupine Tree - Deadwing (prog with loud/soft songs) I really know and love this album, and right now I'm hearing a clarity I have not heard in any other Grado. Only the K1000. But I'm also hearing a certain weight to the electric guitar that I have never heard on this album. And Steven Wilson sounds clear as day. Also this is the hardest hitting bass I have experienced (save for the PS-1), maybe it's because I'm using flats, but even the HF-1 doesn't hit this hard Very impressive!
  8. At least you got a custom title out of it
  9. Grado SR-60 nevermind the SR-60 doesn't have that much bass. Maybe PX100?
  10. I've recommended the 1.5 hour pilot "miniseries" of Battlestar Galactica to friends. Some of them are still watching the show, and some of them aren't after some of the weirdness of mid/end season 2. The miniseries is really good.
  11. Season one of 24 was very good. But I agree with Nate that two and three were pretty lack luster. I'm half way through four right now.
  12. How can I get free stuff from China? I'm a good person, I take care of the elderly
  13. That sucks, they probably would have made a huge break through in the US with that album :/
  14. It would have been cool if the Peter Murphy radio sessions made it on there.
  15. At home now. Brief impressions: Nice selection of tracks. Not really a greatest hits list which is good (I don't really like NIN singles, too pop-sounding) Performances are energetic Visual effects are sweet Can't judge sound quality since my bookshelf speakers aren't that great and I can't turn them up at this hour Video quality of the DVD is pretty nice. Upsampled to 1080p on my HTPC with FFDShow filters.
  16. I'm going to Best Buy to grab the DVD. Shit I can't wait, wish I had a HD player.
  17. To tell you the truth I thought Blackfield I and II were pretty bland by Steven Wilson standards. Lyrically and musically.
  18. This has actually been up for a few days, in case noone has checked: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=61819211 (new 6 minute track up)
  19. I had a real RA-1, nice match with the HF-1. Tamed some of the high end. So no big changes in the circuit that leads us to believe one amp was tuned for John Grado's and one for Joe's?
  20. Hmm... I don't know if the RS-1 is kickass with the Melos. After all the Melos was designed with the HP-2 in mind. And to these ears the two sound very different. I just mentioned the Melos since it's actually pretty cheap if you're patient. I know I've spoke to a few people that I really trust at the NY Headfi meet and most of them agreed that the RS-1 + Melos does nothing wrong, it's just not the eargasm you get with the HP-2/SHA-gold/1
  21. Is this true? Has anyone opened up the HPA-1? And are there schematics for the HPA-1? Danke
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