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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I don't really think so. I think the midrange and highs are more similar than different between the HP and PS. HP3000; now that's an entirely different beast.
  2. Here's a video that explains CD compression very well: Some bad recordings either boost the treble too high, or boost the bass and treble too high. If you have equipment that faithfully reproduces this stuff, these recordings aren't going to sound great. "hot" - when music is compressed so badly most dynamic range is lost. It sounds "louder" and more in your face, but with reduced dynamics. The youtube video explains it really well
  3. Nope I think you misunderstood what I meant. I meant poor recordings will sound "hot" with the HP-2 because the bass isn't overblown out of proportion (thus you're hearing exactly what the deaf recording engineer couldn't hear)
  4. In my opinion yes. The PS-1 have really spectacular mids and highs. I guess the PS can be more forgiving with poorer recordings. With the HP on recordings that are recorded with the treble cranked and the bass low (Metallica's - ...And Justice For All USA release) it really sounds like ouch. But on good recordings the HP has tons of bass and impact. Sometimes too much air pressure from the bass that I lower the volume, usually only after I've been listening to music for hours on end.
  5. It has a lot of bass Not too much to my liking edit: the O2 is well balanced, nice stat. And oh god is it comfy.
  6. It's cool to see more and more innovation from amp and source designers, but it would be really nice if more headphones were released (not just IEMs). Someone called it "ampfest" sounds right to me. But it's ridiculous when people are asking "what headphones will go well with my amp "
  7. Supposedly there will be a Ben episode before the season ends.
  8. I was very surprised with last week's episode with Juliet. Finally some closure on a lot of stuff.
  9. Anyone? Season three has been oddly disappointing save for a few episodes.
  10. I'm due for a haircut tomorrow so maybe the headband might get uncomfortable. But right now I can't feel it.
  11. There is some slight clamping pressure on the lower part of the pads, most obvious when you take them off and they snap into the closed position. Other than that comfort is fine. Not any more or less comfortable than my old HD580 or HD650.
  12. My K701 came in Always curious about these, only encountered them very briefly in a meet. Unfortunately I haven't been able to listen to most of my reference discs since the audio PC I stream from is being completely rebuilt and I'm waiting for a power supply. I got these this afternoon, then went out for a bit, so I only have around 3-4 hours of head time on them. These aren't completely burned in either according to the original owner (~50-100 hours of use) These are definitely some weird headphones to try and describe, they're like a cross between Grados and Sennheisers. Not exactly sure what to say, but I'll try. I have NOT compared them to the K1000, only the HP-2. -more bass volume than the HP-2, listening to Isis I literally said "holy shit" out loud when Over Root and Thorn and Holy Tears came on -in my opinion they have more bass than the HD650, not sure what people are saying when they call them bass light -the HP-2 has much more bass impact, kick drums have that in your head sensation that the K701 can't reproduce -K701 bass is quality bass, doesn't overshadow the midrange or become boomy like the DT770/80 bass -listening to some female vocals there is some sibilance -cymbal hits are a bit tizzy -depth of soundstage is poor (greatly disappointed) -left to right separation is incredibly wide -they sound like a combination of open and closed headphones, sort of fishbowl imaging that reminds me of the R10 or K340 -on really hard cymbal hits the HP-2 has a bit more decay -midrange on both are impressive -can't comment on HF extension just yet -PRaT - HP-2 beats it. But the K701 aren't boring to listen to, but I kept wanting to switch back to the Grados Most of the above was with most of the different types of rock I listen to and CDs that I had on hand. I will compare the K1000 and K701 with classical and jazz once my PC is rebuilt, hopefully this weekend.
  13. How much did you offer? A SHA-Gold Reference in that condition would be close to $1000-1500.
  14. Pretty much word for word why I didn't get a Darkvoice. Or why I'll never buy any Chinese "hifi" product.
  15. Thanks Nate. Have the DMM, just need to replace my iron. As for casework, that's always the pain. I think I might do it up in wood.
  16. Anyone here gander a guess (or someone that's built one) how difficult it is to build (battery version)? I wrote off getting one since I didn't want to wait for the Digikey order and the order from Hagerman but someone is selling complete kits on ebay so I'm thinking I might as well do it. And it might just outperform the NAD PP-2 for less.
  17. That's my thinking. I owned a DT770/80 and its only appeal was for movies. Seeing how closed Darth's add even more bass it seems all its fans that post about them are serious bass heads. Not to mention that Headphile keeps coming out with newer versions, I don't think resale is all that great on the older ones.
  18. Got ya. Just read the A-gon ad that said using the lineout bypasses the tubes.
  19. I wasn't able to get fine control with a 24. I would probably need at least a 48.
  20. I decided to get a NAD PP-2 for the phono. Seems ok at ~ $110? Hagerman Bugle was my next choice, but I'm not sure I want to deal with the time associated with build, waiting for parts, etc as I should have the TT all setup by Friday.
  21. I might remember you asking about this at the SH forums, which one are you using? I think before the record cleaning machine, I'll be needing a phono-stage
  22. postjack: I know you wanted to get into Porcupine Tree I suggest getting In Absentia. I doubt you'll ever find it for less than $6.
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