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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. It's not personal. High roller status grants you some "extra knowledge" that you might not like.
  2. I think I asked you in PM, but what tubes are you using? IMO tube rolling doesn't change the character too much (in fact I like the same tubes for my HP-2 and preamp to K1000)
  3. The same could be said for any headphones. The W2002 got great reviews when it was introduced.
  4. Well that means they could send me a refurbed HD580
  5. I'm going to wait until Monday to see what they say before I give them a listen, just in case they want them returned unopened. I really enjoyed the 580 sound for late night use.
  6. Sennheiser HD595: http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/productdetail.asp?transid=newHD-3 I've only heard them very briefly a really long time ago, so I can't comment on the sound- they're generally regarded as "different" from the HD580 not better or worse. I will be calling them on Monday. Getting just the headband replaced is something I didn't think of, but I wouldn't be too happy with a HD600 headband on a HD580 headphone.
  7. oh yes please dont suggest an ink pen, no use for one
  8. ...brand new HD595. The headband ony my HD580 cracked. It was one of those refurbs that I got off amazon for really cheap. Sennheiser customer service was super nice the entire time on the phone- I spoke to two really helpful reps. Took them about 2 weeks to get them here. Now I'm sort of confused what to do, and it doesn't help that I just opened the parcel now, and I'm a little drunk. I was using the HD580 for late night TV and DVD watching on my laptop. So now I'm sort of in a pizzle. I could call up Sennheiser and -ask them why they replaced my Hd580 with a 595 -keep the 595 -ask for a 600, since it seems the 580 is done for good (this is what the rep was hinting at when i asked her if they could just mail me a headband, i thought they'd just send me another 580) -post on head-case (oh done), ask for advice -sell them
  9. Thanks so much My logic in posting the WTB now is hoping more people lose interest in headphones since it's summer. I know I do more outdoors stuff and listen to music less.
  10. Getting one of these leatherheads is a bit tricky. On the last one I PM'ed the guy (an hour after it went up) and it was gone. Ah if only I put my WTB up a few days earlier Do you guys think it's worth putting up a WTB on Audiogon? I did it twice in the past when it was free for the AKG K1000 and didn't get a single response.
  11. I need to finish that one. I was playing it on my laptop and forced myself to uninstall it during exam time. It was very good I didn't get very far, only to the second dungeon in the first town. I remember I went into a basement and there is a huge circular platform in the center, it's been a few years.
  12. Well I PM'ed a few members, and some of them were experiencing it with high imp cans like the HD600. When I say black background I mean playing music through your CDP and having the amp dial at 0 you shouldn't hear anything (as well as hiss). Some of them said with the pot turned all the way down sound was leaking through. Not good. I don't really want to have to deal with that then have to send it back, wait, etc.
  13. I don't plan to. A few reports of people having amps without black backgrounds has me at bay as well. No worries I have the Melos (surfboardz reported good results with this amp) and planning on a Millet MAX.
  14. I know certainly is a shame. I need to get COD2, even if I never get online. COD1 is just brilliant, the single player campaign will make you sweat. postjack: I think I'd give mmorpgs a more serious consideration if I knew any friends in real life that played. Pretty much why I enjoyed playing fps online in high school, most of my friends and I could get on the same server.
  15. Withdrew a nice chunk of money from my online portfolio, it looks like this is now happening. Any last minute thoughts (about the L3000, not $18000 pens) get them in
  16. Yup one of my favorites The Russian level with the two abandoned buildings is my favorite online map.
  17. Do mmorpgs have a story? That's one of the big reasons I like single player RPGs. I'm playing through FFXII now, it's not bad...not great either... Are you a hobbit on lord of the rings? If so you have to say P-O-T-A-T-O-E-S if you use voice
  18. Haha, my best friend's older brother was addicted to Everquest. He failed a semester in college because of it, and he's playing World of Warcraft now. I don't know they've never really piqued my interest, but then again I've never played one. If I'm on my PC I prefer to play first person shooters, especially the World War II stuff. Or single player RPGs like Gothic or Oblivion.
  19. I'm not sure, I think there was one coming out for Nintendo 64. I haven't really followed much news, none of the current generation stuff really interests me.
  20. Great game. Nintendo should release a sequel, it would be huge.
  21. Listen to the OII before you decide to buy. You might not like the sound of stats, after owning a pair for a while I'm not a big fan of their sound.
  22. Damnit, I'll upload another tomorrow I've already deleted the mp3. I really need to sleep if I hope to get 5 hours.
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