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Everything posted by deepak

  1. What high $ OTL amps are you referring to?
  2. This is Sparta!!!! (no headphone amps for the K1000)
  3. Good thinking. It's going to be sent by EMS, so I'll give them a call as well.
  4. Marcel Duchamp's Fountain.
  5. I'm planning on receiving a package from overseas. I've received packages from Europe in the past, and never been charged anything (UPS/EMS just drops it off). But I want to be certain as it's a high dollar item and will be insured (thus having its real value on the package). I thought I'd ask here before I called US Customs. Pretty sure this doesn't mean anything but we have no state sales tax. Thanks guys.
  6. woops, meant to edit my last post, not quote
  7. You can get Lost season 1 and 2 for $40 and $46 respectively from deepdiscountdvd.com I believe there is a 20% off coupon floating around until mid June. But it might not apply to TV shows.
  8. Yeah but thats $50 for a bit over 17 hours of TV per season. Season three isn't out on DVD yet. And public trackers blow.
  9. Nice impressions. The Dynahi is a great value on the used market.
  10. How do you like the amp? How does it compare to your PPX SLAM or Melos?
  11. IMO the K1000/Pass amps really benefit from a tube pre.
  12. Try out some IEMs out of the ZD and see if you pick up the hum in the left channel. I bought a set of tubes for my Melos off ebay (a deal too good to be true) and it turned out one of the tubes was making a very soft channel hum with the HP-2, which became much more obvious when I plugged IEMs in. It changed channels when I swapped the same tubes around to different sockets.
  13. I just tried out Red Orchestra online. The game is bananas, takes realism to a whole different level.
  14. Thanks upstateguy, I've got used to less movement on the pot, it's not a big deal anymore.
  15. How's the channel balance between the two steppers?
  16. Most people really don't care about tinnitus. It's a S/E of a lot of meds. People usually care more about nausea, vomiting, and headaches. The pharmacist should mention it. Some physicians will only mention serious S/E's or S/E that might cause the patient to discontinue use (like dry cough associated with ACE inhibitors).
  17. Very much, it's a great DAC. I think I'll probably be going Emm Labs if I get a speaker setup. The preamp in the DCC2 is pretty convenient. edit: I did sell the Lavry after comparing both of them side by side. The Northstar was a good improvement.
  18. Cool that was the thread I was thinking about, I was just reading L3000 impressions here last night
  19. I read a few of your posts here saying the L3000 sucks
  20. John Grado uses these speakers in his house, they're 32 drivers on each side. With two Grado made subwoofers as well. People got to hear them at the first NY Headfi meet which was at Grado Labs. Apparently they sounded pretty damn good. IIRC John Grado said if they were marketed they would cost $6000-8000. Interesting that guy on audiokarma got them...I'm not entirely surprised as John Grado is auctioning off some of his stuff on ebay to raise money for charity. Also nothing in his posts make him sound like a troll? Here are some pictures from a recent tour: I would kill to hear that setup.
  21. You want to sell me your L3000 :D
  22. I think more information needs to be released on the Odin
  23. Believe it or not you're going to find some really biased info against RSA here. If you like the sound of the B52, then that's all that matters to you. For what it's worth I thought it sounded pretty good. All caveats apply- meet conditions, unfamiliar music (audiophile recording) and source. edit: good with the HD600. IMO it didn't sound good with the PS-1, bass was very uncontrolled (and loud!)-- my guess is output impedance mismatch?
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