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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Seriously, you get a temporary time out and the first thing you do is immediately register a new account to complain? Jesus
  2. Quad as in Quad electrostatic speakers. Milos is a fan
  3. deepak


    Flaming Lips are streaming an audio documentary on the making of Hit To Death In The Future Head starting at midnight central time tonight http://satelliteheartradio.com/ Hope someone is able to cap it.
  4. Has anyone that bought the new boards from Lil Knight got theirs up and running? I recall shipping out quite a few of them to people.
  5. They should be aggressive and go for him. Assuming Manning is healthy and with their defense plus deep threat WR... I do think they'd win their division.
  6. Very well written review Nate (also love your photographs). Like Tyll said there is a nice flow to it. Congrats to Doug as well!
  7. Want to see if the Broncos will now pick up Mike Wallace
  8. The SR-Lambdas rule. They were one of the best kept secrets until the mega Stax threads emerged And another bonus about them- they are super light and don't feel like you have a 10 pound cinder brick on your head.
  9. Brilliant, I am only now seeing that Ljostrandi Leiftur has the same first letters as the other amp
  10. deepak


    What is that funny looking 1/8" connector? Which of the holes in my 5 pin Stax connector does it go into
  11. deepak

    KONY 2012

    One of the bad guys from Star Wars made him do it
  12. Was this the strain gauge cart?
  13. Happy birthday Larry, hope it was a good one!
  14. deepak

    Top Gear

    Just caught up on the series now. The Saab tribute was really fantastic
  15. Teflon works for me, noval teflon sockets are cheap on Ebay... like $11 shipped each
  16. Nice, I would be interested in something small like this. Need an amp for my SR-Lambdas at work.
  17. Gavin Harrison is the man, the guy they have touring for Grace For Drowning is amazing as well.
  18. Wasn't it supposed to be Steven Wilson, Mikael Akerfelt and Dream Theater? I see no mention of the Dream Theater so I remain hopeful
  19. thanks Kevin, though I had no intent of building the LL/fixed version. I just wanted to see Birgir build one to add to his closet of "crap!" Mouser better deliver on those 4686s
  20. Sorry the acronym was susy (super symmetrical). I think KG has said it sounds slightly better than the original Dynamite
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