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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Hmm...I'm addicted to the touchpad on my laptop (sensitivity set pretty high). It's got so bad I use my desktop just to play games and serve music, using a regular mouse just requires so much effort and too much wrist movement woop hurrah grawk
  2. I heard them on a Benchmark DAC1 to PPA, yeah I wasn't too thrilled with them, heh. I think my system is more balanced so we'll see.
  3. I believe he has three L3000s.... two brown, one green. So I'm not sure if that interpretation is right. As for the "1 units balance conversion" I think he means getting them recabled to be balanced. This part has me completely lost. He's either cursing the CD3000, or comparing it to their great baseball! Either way I have a CD3000 on the way
  4. No they don't come with the headphones, lol. I can't quite afford Golden Reference cables
  5. I can't read Japanese either, but isn't the link in the first post updated specifically for headphone stuff?
  6. http://blog.livedoor.jp/ninaslabo/archives/cat_50023891.html For those of you that don't have access (or don't check) Hfi. Pretty nice stuff, great sources too.
  7. Never mind they have the parts upgrades listed, so they're not just spraying the players with pixie dust
  8. A company that sells a $500 wooden knob (with an audiophool bullshit description) doesn't inspire much confidence.
  9. I was thinking about the edit window, is there maybe a chance we could have an infinite edit window in just the gear forums (maybe even for just the first post)? That way if you post a thread on a new piece you can keep editing in impressions into the first post as time goes on. I just mention this because threads tend to go off topic quite a bit, and it makes it simple for readers to just look at the first post.
  10. Woops they're not Cardas cables. The Cardas pamphlet came with some Golden Reference cables the original owner bought with the headphones, he accidentally included it with the headphones As the British say, sorry for winding you guys up.
  11. You could try and hunt down a green one. That would be pretty swank.
  12. Jeez with all tkam's bandwidth he should host porn for the casino members
  13. SN is 250 ETA in around 9-12 days, EMS standard rate insured.
  14. Wonderful thank you very much! I've just asked my seller for photos of the paper, so I'll get them up. I doubt you'll be able to make anything out but I will make sure to take some very high resolution shots when I get them.
  15. Tested on my laptop using wireless, so it's a bit slower My upload is sort of accurate. My download is good for at least 7 mbps
  16. Thanks (and I really appreciate your help in trying to locate one, the good karma will come back around ) If you do call up Cardas there is a good chance you'll talk to someone in the family so they might know. This could be a custom job, I know Cardas has made a custom Golden Reference HD650 cable for someone. When I spoke to my seller on the phone I'm pretty sure he mentioned that the Cardas pamphlet mentioned the AT name and L3000 in there. We did spend a lot of time on the phone talking about random stuff, so I'll be able to give you my definitive answer (and pictures) when it gets here.
  17. The things I do for you guys (and only because I love you) perhaps Dusty Chalk and tkam can weigh in on the issue.
  18. They were bought brand new from a European dealer, and they've never been recabled. The Cardas pamphlet is in Japanese and came with the headphones. I have pictures of the cable it's the same shoelace cable that I've seen on every stock L3000, with the exact same silver colored connector with gold plating. I'll upload them when I can get on my desktop. If it were recabled then it must have been done officially by the dealer. Do you guys have the Connolly hand signed document as well? I understand these things get lost, so I wouldn't be surprised if most people didn't get the Cardas pamphlet unless they were first owners or bought from owners that kept everything.
  19. Yup it is. I was a little shocked and asked him twice on the phone. The stock cable is Cardas, and comes with the Cardas documentation papers.
  20. Cables that come with stock (unmodified) headphones.
  21. I'm not very experienced with rolling this amp, but my favs are the Amperex Orange Globe A frames. Be careful buying 6DJ8/7DJ8/7308 tubes off ebay, they're incredibly popular preamp tubes and thus there are many counterfeits.
  22. So my hopes of finding an L3000 have become a reality, I'm getting a pair in minty mint condition with all its goodies. My watch plans are officially on hold :'( \ I should have them very soon. I never knew this, but the seller told me they come with Cardas cabling? Interesting that no one has mentioned that before, this could be the most extravagant cable used on a stock headphone?
  23. The Dynahi should be able to drive a K340.
  24. deepak


    I've never seen them outside Disneyland/world or the NYC subway sellers. I need to looker harder I think. But they're delic.
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