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Everything posted by deepak

  1. These headphones were invented for Boris
  2. Is this is like a fanboy fierce_freak: I agree there's something about the tone and timbre that just throws me off. When did you get a CD3000? Do you find the fit a bit loose? Any movements and I can feel them sliding back and forth.
  3. The L3000 has eaten up and spit out everything I've thrown at it. These are one of the most natural sounding headphones I've heard.
  4. Definitely use the plugin. The program is bloated, slow, buggy from what I've read. You can get the plugin from their website under downloads, foobar2000 plugin. Just run the .exe which basically places the .dll file in the components directory, then go to preferences and enter your last.fm username and password.
  5. The next time it happens can you copy and paste what it says in the console? It sounds like it's an issue with the upsampler rather than the last.fm plugin. Or the two are conflicting somehow. Is it the last.fm plugin for foobar? Or is it the player addon? Because nothing should popup when foobar starts up with the basic last.fm plugin. In fact you'd be none the wiser if it wasn't submitting tracks unless you looked at the console.
  6. Thanks for the impressions Hirsch. I've done a lot of back and forth with the L3000, and the L3000 wins every time with my amp. The CD3000 has an interesting soundstage, but I wouldn't call it accurate.
  7. Unsure if he's registered here or not, but he has a green one Does anyone know how much they sold for new? I read all of chefguru's thread which references the green ones, and everyone keeps mentioning MSRP, but no one actually types the price.
  8. It seems their server was down from Sunday to Tuesday, I had around 200 tracks cached. But I too don't have any problems using the latest foobar and the plugin from the last.fm site.
  9. Sorry to hear that Earl I've never had a pet, but I can't imagine what it feel like to lose one. Hope you're having a better day today.
  10. It sounds wonderful with the Melos. I really don't have a single complaint about the midrange (which was my biggest worry) with my Orange Globe tubes. They just sound very balanced, although slightly leaning towards the darker side. But I'll take that over piercing highs. I'll copy and paste a bit more impressions: edit: oh yes this should be mentioned: on my setup the bass is quite balanced. It has a lot of bass impact (kickdrums sound better than all my other headphones including the CD3000) but has less bass than a stock DT770/80pro. The bass is a bit more than the HD650 in quantity (but much tighter and textured). My DAC is quite dynamic, combine that with these headphones and it makes for a very enjoying listen. I'm also very picky about the midrange and these headphones nail it. Electric guitars just sound so sweet and crunchy. I'd take my K1000 over them for female vocals, but male vocals sound great.
  11. (excuse the artificial lighting, better pictures when I feel like it) These are without a doubt the king of rock. They're on par with the HP-2 on jazz, but bested by the K1000 for most (just my preference)
  12. Cool I see where you're coming from. I have some Amperex tubes in my amp, so that definitely helps in sweetening the midrange.
  13. Definitely not true about the SA being a remake of the CD series. They're really not that detailed. I don't think the midrange is that recessed, save for the upper mids. And the sound definitely isn't thin on my setup. What were the associated components you heard it with and for how long? And was it at a meet? What are your headphones you're using as a reference? On Headfi it says KSC75 and K81DJ?
  14. Oh yes my favorite album with them was Battles - Mirrored. Avant-garde/experimental rock that has a lot of percussion, electric guitar and electronic effects.
  15. I've put around 6 or 7 hours on these so far. They're much, much better than when I last heard them. -the treble isn't as tipped up as I remember (still on jazz that extends really high, it gets a little fatiguing) -bass extension is not very good (audible at 30 Hz, very good down to 40 Hz) -HF extension is good (~18 Khz) -bass impact is an enigma. On certain albums it has a lot, other times you just hear the bass and it's not remotely palpable -some funkiness going on in the midrange, almost like the upper midrange is slightly recessed -soundstage can't figure this one out...the headstage is pretty small. But the drivers are angled towards your ears... -imaging is not bad, but a bit fuzzy -very enjoyable with large symphony music -average PRaT -they do particularly well with live rock music. The fishbowl soundstage makes them sound like a concert -layering of instruments is cool So the CD3000s biggest offense? Tone and timbre, it's not that great (reminds me of the SA5000 I had on loan). Tried with piano, violins and sitar. As an example when listening to some violin tracks there's nothing accurate about it. Undoubtedly you're hearing a violin, but that's it. With the HP-2 or K1000 I can listen to a strad and say "that's a damn fine violin" with the CD3000 not so much.
  16. The AT wing system is something else, so comfortable. I missed that when I sold my A500.
  17. This happened to me once with a computer part. "oh that, sir that's never existed" Phew good thing, I forgot to take my anti-hallucinogenic pills that morning :P
  18. Oh ok. I was curious since I just got my stock CD3000 this morning. I invite anyone to hear it in my system, but it's not as tipped up in the treble as most people exaggerate it to be. It still has some funky things going (mainly midrange and soundstage). I'll have more impressions later.
  19. recstar did you get to listen to the woodied CD3000?
  20. If you can stretch your budget to $55-65 you can get the AKG K81DJ (there are a few ebay sellers selling new ones for $55 with free shipping). They're closed, have a very thin cord and come with a carrying pouch. The cups also rotate and fold inwards for portability. They sound very good for what they cost and they have a very nice bass response. I imagine you want closed or in ear headphones for your commute.
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