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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I plan on doing a nice little headphone shootout (HD580, HD650, L3000 because they all share a similar signature) and it would be perfect if I could level match them all rather than relying on my ears. How accurate are those things?
  2. Next week can't come sooner Hope you like them.
  3. If you're capable of going I would do it. I saw Billy live in Boston for his solo album, and even though the music wasn't that great he really has an amazing stage presence and they put on a good show. And he might have done this only because it was a small venue but he hung around for a while after the show and talked to people. I gave him a good ribbing about the Cubs, and I got it right back (I believe this was before the Red Sox won the World Series)
  4. deepak


    You're off to a good start m8
  5. Oh yes really good to see you here purk, your posts on Headfi are always very informative and well written
  6. purk I think the Qualia 010 would have been fantastic if they were one size fits all. I think Sony was being too ambitious in making a statement product for the elite, trying to make a pseudo custom fit headphone (with the fit chart, 3 sizes). I have heard two pairs; the medium that didn't fit me sounded truly awful. The small that did was incredible.
  7. 50 L cooler, paid for a 2 person canoe (rental). I somehow got roped into a 2 night canoe trip
  8. Well said I don't find the treble on the L3000 recessed. I appreciate all the feedback (even though I've heard these arguments in a few other HC threads), whatever amp I decide on I'll more than likely hear first before buying. Or it will be something that's up at a really good price, knowing I won't have trouble selling it. From what I'm reading the Extreme should be a better value than the MPX3 SE, but these conclusions might be dangerous since it's info pieced together from different sources. IIRC I haven't read a MPX3 SE vs Extreme comparison. edit: oh man this MD meet sounds like fun. Let me see if I can make it happen, I'd like to meet a lot of you guys. DC/MD is only 6 hours drive.
  9. I've always been intrigued by the Extreme and nearly bought one back in January. But then I found a poweramp for my K1000, and my priorities shifted. The amp is definitely on my list to audition. Preferably somewhere where I can hear the different tube combos. The L3000s are very sensitive. A bit more sensitive than my HP-2. I knew one of my Amperex tubes was slightly microphonic but with no music playing it's slightly more obvious on the L3000. Small price to pay for a tube that sounds this good.
  10. Good read thanks. The other option is getting an Extreme. But again I think I'd like to hear one with the L3000, as there are only a few owners with this combination. And not much info on how it is as a preamp.
  11. You're right I might need to hear both. Which I can certainly wait to do, this amp upgrade isn't going to be in the near future. Did you hear the MPX with the 6BX7 output tubes (the SE runs them at higher voltage, and IIRC the SE is upgraded to close to a Supra)? Almost everyone feels they're an improvement over 6SN7 (as output).
  12. A bit out of my price range right now, and I haven't seen a used one for sale in a long time. At around $2000 I'd seriously be considering a custom built amp. The MPX3 SE is around $1300-1400 used.
  13. It sounds really good out of my Melos (I encourage you to hear this combo), but more powerful output tubes might open up the soundstage more.
  14. Amp suggestions for the L3000? I know SP is getting a pretty bad rep, but I'm considering a used one \ The amp needs to have a pre-amp out, right now I'm leaning towards a MPX3 SE.
  15. The TD165 (which is the higher model) can be had for around the same price. But obviously listen to it on your setup and see what you think
  16. deepak

    slow forum

    "I really needed the money for blow, so why not become a Stax model?"
  17. I heard it with two maxed out ES-1s as well. Thought they handled everything but hard rock with ease.
  18. Sweet. The K1000/L3000 contrast each other perfectly. I'd be content with just those two.
  19. I like the L3000 soundstage for rock and jazz. More depth would be nice though, I suppose that's hard to pull off in a closed/non-deep woody. The L3000 do rock Sabbath like no one's business.
  20. postjack: I feel I'd be ripping you off with that trade. I just couldn't do that to ya man. Further listening impressions: I've finally got around to playing NIN. Hearing The Downward Spiral has brought a tear to my eye. Katsumoto: Perfect... They are all... perfect...
  21. Paid for 3 nights at a hotel in Niagara Falls (Canadian side)
  22. Exceptional: The National - Boxer Dungen - Tio Bitar Ghost - In Stormy Nights Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet The New Pornographers - Challengers Nest - Trail of the Unwary Boris with Michio Kurihara - Rainbow The Bad Plus - Prog Great: Aa - gAame NIN - Year Zero Battles - Mirrored Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I miss Everyone John Zorn - Six Litanies for Heliogabalus Circle - Panic Boris with Merzbow - Groon/Walrus Feist - The Reminder Average: Bjork - Volta Circle - Tower Neal Morse - Sola Scriptura Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
  23. deepak


    I have problems reading some of the "cursive" from most physicians. It's a good thing almost everything is done by computer now. My dad has his own "style" of writing, it's the most interesting chicken scratch I've ever seen. It's neither cursive or printing, but its own moon script
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