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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Pass on the Grados maybe. I can't let go of the L3000s though. You can get an R10 for around $3500 if you look. Strangely the system I didn't like them in was a balanced Supra XLR. Even after Mikhail rolled in the more synergistic tubes.
  2. Holy shit this thread goes from a few replies to 3 pages overnight.
  3. I'm going to call BS on that article as well. I would love to see some research to back up just that one claim.
  4. I made myself a two egg omelette with mushrooms, onions and tomatoes.
  5. It might beat your Sony with redbook playback. I would give it a shot.
  6. Absolutely if I can make it I'll bring them. I can give you guys my answer closer to the start of August.
  7. Definitely leaning more towards hearing them again in a quiet environment, which was my hunch.
  8. I wouldn't get one until March/April 2008 which point I'll be settled in nicely with my job. Do you know what serial number they were? Do you know if they were as bright as the CD3000 (I've grown to really dislike)? Any comparison to the Qualia you're borrowing? I'm not considering the Qualia, the midrange was a bit too sterile/recessed.
  9. This is a shaky quest. I received lots of great feedback in my L3000 thread and most of it was very good advice and I'm thrilled with my purchase. Feedback from those that own/have owned/heard the R10 would be appreciated. I would especially like detailed or lengthy descriptions. Thanks. (As for my own thoughts on the R10 my two encounters with them were polar opposites)
  10. I dunno those SDS-XLR guys like to have pretty much all the high end headphones (balanced)
  11. Kryptonite ftw. Keep that damn Superman away from my gears.
  12. 22K gold looks very good. Most of the jewelry in the US is 14k or 18k not nearly as impressive. IMO platinum suits fairer skin and gold darker. But if I were to plate an amp it would be platinum (unless I got an incredible rate on gold in India), though most people would probably mistake it for silver \
  13. You can drop a couple of F bombs in PG-13 flicks.
  14. First Blood is Rambo 1 It was definitely the best movie.
  15. Well I can't wait for Rambo IV. That too looks true to the Rambo fame. Definitely looks rated R.
  16. Nice, the trailers make it look kinda meh.
  17. I don't think a $$$ sum can be placed on what makes an amp high end or not. If it's true to the source, and capable of reproduces its nuances, that is what makes it high end in my opinion.
  18. I have to add the MS-1 to the list, quite possibly eclipsing the SR-60. They sound great with metal, rock, and jazz. And not surprisingly scale well with better amps.
  19. oh screw you imagesocket for resizing. Click for 3600x2300 http://home.comcast.net/~drnath/random/P0017479r.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~drnath/random/P0010315.JPG
  20. And now from my massive high res BMW folder the M1 and the V10 M6 engine (resized from 5.5 mb), click to enlarge.
  21. Hoorah! Changing the jumper from cable select to slave (just removing the jumper altogether) worked! Strange that the board didn't recognize cable select, since I was clearly using the bottom IDE connector. Thanks guys.
  22. JBL: no jumper settings were changed Nate: I checked BIOS and the primary slave drive was set for auto. Changing it to manual didn't do anything. BIOS was able to read my primary master © and secondary master (DVD-RW drive). I then swapped the Molex cable from my C to my PATA slave, and vice versa and the computer still booted and loaded Windows fine. So that Molex connector isn't a dud. I'm now going to do what I hoped I wouldn't have to do (lol). Take the entire locking HD mechanism out, which requires me to remove a 120mm fan and mess with my pretty wiring. And try out different jumper settings and swapping the IDE cable out. I am overclocking the shit out of this thing, but I'm not sure if this can lead to unstable 5v rails? And if so would this have any effect on that one drive?
  23. I upgraded my motherboard recently. Backed up everything that was on my C drive (Windows boot drive, main drive) then proceeded to reinstall Windows XP. My setup is 2 PATA hardrives sharing the same ribbon cable on one channel. A DVDRW drive on another channel. 2x SATA drives using a RAID card. After installing the RAID card drivers those hardrives worked fine. My main C drive works fine. But I can't get the second slave PATA drive to show up in Windows. I've tried Admin Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management, which usually works fine. But this time it's not even showing up as a hidden drive. The second PATA drive is set to cable select (I believe) and I haven't changed any of the jumpers since reformatting. The Molex cable is connected. Anything else I might be missing?
  24. Good points. My setup is more transportable where I will be using it for critical listening when I travel (hotel listening, where I can use a full size pair of headphones).
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