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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Flipping through the huge booklet is very cool. And since I don't have my analog rig running I spoke to one of the physicians I knew at DHMC and he said I could spin it on his setup. VPI + Avantgarde Duos = yum
  2. I assume his question was if I bought these and they broke will AT service them. I didn't think he wanted to mod a pair with L3000 drivers. Anyway apparently working with AT Japan is a smooth process.
  3. What do you guys think of JM Labs speakers in general? Like the 1037Be or Divas?
  4. But there is wood under the leather it blow my head fool Oh no you di'int. This is no fotm. L3000 > mortals
  5. Leik what kinda gay manufactur puts leather on their headphones. Get some darth vaginas you pansies.
  6. Hirsch have you heard the 70s Tesla PCC88 tubes? My SHA is eating up and spitting out 6DJ8s like a...I don't know.
  7. Thats the spirit! Stay positive Eat
  8. I'm going to bump this in three years. Ok.
  9. I'm down for a meet that weekend. I think I'm going to a bachelor party in Newport that Friday night, so I would prefer a Sunday meet. As for hosting I can ask my parents, I'm sure they'd be fine with it unless they were having friends over. They have a huge finished basement that's pretty much empty except for a gym. They live just outside Concord (in Bow) so I think it would be fairly accessible to anyone. I could offer up my apartment in Hanover, but I'm pretty sure my lease is ending before that.
  10. A slice of meatball and tomato pizza from a local pizza place. And I made a garden salad for a side. Too lazy to cook tonight.
  11. All good points. Similarly I know I can afford to have the HP-2, but they just haven't got much use between the K1000 and L3000. And like you knowing what or where I could have put that money really tempted me to sell them if the right offer came along. Keeping them wasn't making my enjoyment of music any better or worse. The K1000 absolutely rock with either a warm SS amp or tube amp/preamp.
  12. I'm not going to get one. Thinking about it $4000 is just silly (to me). Plus the K1000/L3000 just work for me, they cover all my music genres and moods. Plus I want a really nice speaker system.
  13. If I was a mod I'd fix it for you friend. Wheres that Rex
  14. We guessed it all along [me=jpak]takes off his Sherlock Holmes hat[/me]
  15. Were the new Nvidia drivers WHQL certified? Sometimes Nvidia releases non-WHQL certified drivers as final versions and they cause all sorts of hell. The most recent drivers for the 8XXX series screw up a whole lot of stuff.
  16. We should contact Shindo Labs and have them make an amp tuned for the L3000. Thats L3000 fanboyism edit: 15 pages of posts, I believe I have created the longest thread in the headphone section
  17. Leftovers from last night, vegetable Biryani rice with lamb curry. 1 scoop of Friendlys cookie dough ice cream afterward.
  18. Harry Potter in the Imax this evening
  19. deepak

    slow forum

    Sort of a slow Friday night huh
  20. deepak


    JB don't settle for anything less than a Darth Vagina. R10 style cups, with an open "tunnel" pointing downwards so they're still open headphones. And you know the rest of it is just creative wood work
  21. deepak


    You got one of those Manufactur Beyerdynamics
  22. deepak


    Mostly at the SomethingAwful forums. Theres a running thread called "post your favorite image that makes you laugh every time"
  23. It was very good. I always have comfort food for brunch/lunch if I've been drinking the night before.
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