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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Chuck Norris would take a poop on his face. Then leave riding a bull.
  2. Keep watching for updates, I really want this meet to happen that weekend. I'll try and work something out, it shouldn't be that hard with 4 people.
  3. Not yet, let me see about library reading rooms (Saturday) I'll add an update tomorrow.
  4. I spoke to my dad and Sunday the 12th isn't looking good at my parents house. He's having friends over from his work. And I'm going to Niagara the first weekend of August, and the weekend of the 18th I'll be super busy
  5. Hack the gibson and set everyone's clock ahead 2 hours.
  6. Oh of course. I thought the two other movies were pretty bad. But I haven't seen Reloaded or Revolutions since their theater release, and watching it the second time definitely answered a lot of questions (the conversation with the architect mainly).
  7. Last night squeezed in The Matrix Reloaded in 1080p
  8. I wouldn't be ashamed. I had two K1000s at one point :/ Now who's going to be the guy that hunts down a green L3000
  9. Also look into Naim gear. I don't know how it sounds outside the system I heard it in, but the Naim, SET amps and Avantgarde Duos I've heard on numerous occasions still gets my heart racing.
  10. Single box won't always be better than a two boxer and vice versa. North Star's transport is using the Philips CD Pro 2, one of the best.
  11. I believe you can get the turbo mod for the DAC and get all the mods for the transport. I think the superclock4 is if you're using something other than its dedicated CD Transport. Because it's for SPDIF, and the Northstar Transport uses I2s. Take this with a huge grain of salt since it's 6moons (and not 6moon's Ryan) but the reviewer said he preferred the modded North Star components to Empirical Audio's Spoiler DAC.
  12. Eh, it's alright. I compared one side by side with my Lavry DA10 and preferred the Lavry in nearly every way. And I was able to compare my North Star with the Lavry and that really wasn't a contest.
  13. If he can get in home auditions with his speakers that would probably be one way to determine what sort of sound he likes. At a bit over $5000 used I would keep an eye on the Emm Labs CDSD and DAC6e or DCC2.
  14. He could get a North Star M192 DAC and its CD Transport. I believe even with Empirical Audio mods it should be only slightly more than $5000.
  15. Oh my god I was half awake when I read it the first time. That's hilarious I know it's like saying an Indian person that doesn't like mangos! postjack get crackin on that watermelon
  16. I hope Criterion continues to remaster/repackage movies when the new HD format takes over.
  17. I see, it should still be interesting. Though it looks like the book is OOP. I might be able to get it from the library when I move. Tonight I'll start watching the Metal Gear Solid Saga Volume 1 DVD, since I finally found a copy for cheap. Very excited for MGS4, with the two new videos just released.
  18. That Apogee looks really good, that would be the nicest ADC I've ever seen used in a needle drop I doubt my TT/cart would be up to snuff, it then becomes the weak link
  19. I haven't, I will get it at some point.
  20. No you didn't send it. But any generic toslink cover fits on it. I got a few extra with my HT receiver. Thanks for the offer, and remembering Oh definitely. I'll keep the paper sleeves just for completeness sake.
  21. MMF-5 TT, undecided phono-stage and an E-MU0404 as the ADC. I believe I have the same drop as you, the one off OiNK. It's ok, but can be improved. Most of those guys use ok gear but they use poor ADCs like X-Fis and Audigys.
  22. It's damn good. (Kurosowa fanboy)
  23. Yeah thats right. It's a pretty sweet set, would have been cooler if the booklet was a little different from the CD's. I will have a Head-Case needle drop up hopefully before the end of summer
  24. mulveling do you really have two L3000s?
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