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Everything posted by deepak

  1. The L3000 aren't just any Audio Technica. Believe me I hate them all. (I have not heard the OOP ones like the W11jpn, W10vtg, etc, etc) Melos, maxed out M3. The M3 did a hell of a nice job driving them. They still failed when pitted against the leatherheads. Sorry it's not a custom built amp from McAlister
  2. The K1000 are a marvelous in real life. All those pro photos make them look like crap. My vote goes for the Sennheiser HD600- the marble paint ewww. The SR-404 also looks like someone vomited on it.
  3. I know The L3000 destroys the K340 in everything I tried. No point in keeping both. That project would have been fun.
  4. Seconded! Johnny Cash in Roman cloths has spoken!
  5. Could you post Roam's impressions on the thing (if he doesn't mind)?
  6. Six Organs of Admittance - School of the Flower CD
  7. Oh my snipe went through The Flaming Lips - At War With the Mystics CD/DVD-A set.
  8. Bought digipete's NIN - Downward Spiral SACD yesterday. And my second attempt at buying the new Modest Mouse record since Newbury was out of stock last time. And I have a secret project planned for one of my headphones that will go into effect on Monday
  9. That's awesome...because she's probably crazier than Tom Cruise.
  10. Some more Flight of the Conchords. Creepy, insane lone fan ftw
  11. <- useful But needs different animated kirby dances
  12. Plus the benefit of foobar is it can handle .shn files (with a plugin), which I'm sure postjack has a ton of because he is a down souf hippy
  13. I like Nero. Just get a basic version and not one of the Ultimate editions or whatever. It does gapless burning without the need for a cue sheet.
  14. There are subtle differences between both my pairs and I'm not entirely sure what versions they are. One of the pairs clearly has just as much bass as the HD650. The other probably closer to HD580/HD600 bass. Other than that they sound pretty much identical. Doing some searching it seems Scunci elastics are suitable replacements.
  15. Thanks very much Renato, that makes sense. And I just found a pictorial guide. aerius: I'll hold off the screen mod for now.
  16. Does anyone know what size elastics they use?
  17. I'm only joking, the lower X2s are a great deal. Especially when overclocked.
  18. in anticipation for the part 2!
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