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Everything posted by deepak

  1. So bling. Can barely see the platter.
  2. The Canare "slinky" always turned me off, strictly from an aesthetics point of view. I might have to grab some Profis.
  3. Nice Yeah I know fir.st down was changed to something random. But I definitely remember "touchdown" being changed to "extra point", that messed with a few people
  4. No way, not knowing is half the fun. On another forum I frequented a few years ago they had the craziest word filters. Like during a Superbowl game something like "first down" would be something completely random.
  5. Ahahaha word filter in effect!
  6. What are your preferred RCA connectors? I'm thinking about buying some good bang for the buck connectors and looking for opinions. No strict budget. Will need a total of 8.
  7. Though I'm sure they command an enormous mark up I can say that these will be the speakers I'm saving up for. The FR integration was something impressive. The M^3 definitely drives them really well. I think it's more a synergy issue, where the Melos sounds more liquid with the L3000 (and my preferred sound).
  8. Keep in mind the Naim sounded really good as well. I hope so too. My mind was blown listening to The Fragile. I'm now going to hunt down a sealed copy just in case.
  9. You'll have to stunt your shades in doors the bling will be so strong.
  10. Welcome. This is a good forum for info, but like any forum it has its biases. Mostly it's a chill place to hang out
  11. His wife's an attending physician and he's a cardiology fellow (interventional cards attending in 2 years). They aren't hurting for money No idea what a dealer would ask for, but list is close to $20k.
  12. Yesterday I made the trip to hang out with a friend I made this year. It was mainly to hear my NIN- The Fragile vinyl since my analog setup still isn't up I should have taken down more details of his setup, but briefly the speakers were the latest Avantgarde Duo 2.1s, his vinyl setup was a modded VPI Aries3, with I believe SET amps powering the mids/tweeter. The Duos have self powered woofers. Digital front end was some Naim gear (didn't listen to it much). It was in a dedicated speaker room which seemed really well setup. I wish I brought my camera. I've heard his system a few times but this is the longest listening session I've done, I was there for around 8 or 9 hours. Briefly, the setup was breathtaking with pretty much all the music we played. We listened to some Shostakovich #5 (Sony, 1959 Bernstein) through the Naim and it was the best reproduction I've heard to date. From here on we stuck to vinyl- mainly jazz and classic rock. The system filled the room with sound and the imaging seemed razer sharp. I was specifically looking for any gaps between where the upper bass and mids integrate and I was hard pressed to hear any; the integration seemed seamless. The setup was dynamic, rich, and just fun to listen to. It wasn't harsh or sibilant unless the recording called for it. On Sabbath's War Pigs you could feel the kick drums. I wanted to keep thumbing through his collection looking for albums I was familiar with. Now onto hearing The Fragile. We listened to three sides mostly so my buddy could keep his sanity . Also sounded extremely good and very detailed. My first time hearing it in any form on hifi speakers and it was eye opening. There are some very complex and layered songs on this double album, and I've heard it turn very good headphone systems to mush. Not the case here the speakers kept up with all the complexities. Lastly I borrowed my friend's M^3 amp and brought my L3000 up there to hear on a good vinyl setup. The M^3 is an alright amp for the L3000 (I didn't want to deal with moving the Melos). Again I heard a new level of what these cans are capable of. Using his vinyl source made the headphones simply disappear. To confirm my suspicions I let him listen to them, and he was very surprised with the headphone reproduction. He's now looking for either an L3000 and I gave him the PS-1 as another possible recommendation (after he gets the RS-2). /rantings from a fanboy in love.
  13. "I'll be perfectly honest, at that price they would have to be pretty pristine. I'm not saying that they aren't, only that that would be my expectation. If they are, just shoot me a couple of pictures if you can. " The other thing- both of them aren't in pristine condition. Perhaps I made too many assumptions on my part.
  14. Up until Sunday night I was certain I was keeping a K340. You can ask JBLoudG20- we exchanged a bunch of PMs where I even wanted to recable them. Then I spent all Sunday evening/night comparing them with my current headphones and decided there wasn't any point in having them. I never had the intention of cutting you out of a sale, I offered them to you for less than what I sold them for. If this is unlogical let me know. edit: I should add that since getting my L3000 I didn't listen to the K340s at any point other than two days ago. I really thought they would have held up better (which was my logic in waiting to sell them).
  15. deepak

    slow forum

    Damn wikipedia admins
  16. deepak

    slow forum

  17. If I had a more reliable car p-jeezy would have them tomorrow!
  18. Google maps: 1,481 mi ? about 23 hours 28 mins Don't worry you'll get them before Headfest Alabama.
  19. Come on they're not that expensive (unmodded, non-Headphile pairs)
  20. The great thing about the K340 is if the elastics I put on are too taut you can just replace them with your own. It takes less than 10 minutes.
  21. Yes I have a bass heavy version left. That might be for sale. I've really hit my groove with the L3000 and K1000. Yeah the Melos does a less than stellar job Benefits of selling gear to your friends - you can borrow it at any time edit: the K340 are probably my favorite headphones under $500.
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