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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Yes very fun. Ooh I have that on Gamecube. I can make it to the boss on the second level without dieing. That boss is bitch though.
  2. Drunk + legendary? Good god thats masochistic. Drunk + 4 player multiplayer is fun. Especially the game where you have to hold onto the skull in Halo 2.
  3. I would sooner be playing Halo than what you suggested!
  4. All I needed to see was Total Annihilation Yeah that should be cool.
  5. Hmm, haven't heard of it. I am looking forward to Starcraft 2.
  6. I know, but I don't want to upgrade my desktop for one game. I mostly play RTS games on my laptop.
  7. I have. postjack won't answer his phone though
  8. I don't care how difficult legendary was (which by the way my roomate and I finished). It didn't change the fact that the level design was monotonous, with a total of less than 10 enemies in the entire game. Halo 2 was far too dull as well. Dual wielding was a nice gimmick for half the game.
  9. I don't know much about it. But since Bioware is making it, should be good. Still I was a big fan of both System Shock games back in the day, which is why I'm so excited about Bioshock.
  10. Oh god Halo . I can't stand that repetitive crap. I think I might just buy a used system off ebay rent the game then sell the system. None of my friends have a 360 \
  11. So frustrating. Since it's the only game that has really interested me in a couple of years. And I know the 360 would start collecting dust when I finished it Has anyone here played the demo?
  12. Probably won't kill you if you have it every now and then, like their chicken snack wraps
  13. Pretty cheap for $1.90, looks like a great snack.
  14. I really needed an excuse to post that picture.
  15. Well this welcome thread turned into a wreck
  16. Christ this is the worst. Somehow lack of midrange is now a good thing and equals monitoring quality.
  17. Laptop battery. It will be nice to get 3.5 hour battery cycles again
  18. Thanks I should take some better ones in natural light, that was taken in my basement. I agree the overall feel, build quality, even smell is great. The right pair of RS-1s also look really good. And R10s with better wood grains, are sweet.
  19. I'm sort of partial to the L3000 as well. Even before owning them I thought they were the best looking headphones.
  20. Elephas you could always contact Shindo Labs and have them build you a nice amp (I am evil I know)
  21. Cool. Any pictures before you installed them?
  22. Nate was going to PM you, but thought others might benefit from your impressions. What do you think of the cable?
  23. Icky Thump is The White Stripe's latest album, it's pretty good. But the CD was destroyed by compression. SH/KG did the vinyl which was straight from the master tape.
  24. I think a lot of it has to do with the mastering of the true source material- the music. A lot of CDs just sound like crap, and unfortunately audiophile companies like MFSL and SH/KG will sometimes only release stuff on vinyl. A lot of the classic rock we listened to were either reissues on Classic Records or Analog Productions. Their remastered CDs on Rhino, EMI, etc sound like shit. No CDP is going to make the Icky Thump CD sound better than the vinyl.
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