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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Recommendations for good studio recordings? This isn't calling you out, I just want to pick some up and hear them, as I mostly stick to buying (or sampling) live jazz.
  2. Not entirely surprising given his off the wall personality.
  3. That's not to say Charlie Parker isn't part of required listening for any jazz fan. Who knows maybe it's only because I got into him in the last few years, but I still find his good live shows (like grawk mentioned Paris) to be supremely enjoyable.
  4. It would be bad ass if SH did master some of Bird's work.
  5. Graphically it isn't absolutely cutting edge. I'm sure the spell effects will be nice. The thing that might bog down a lot of peoples' computers is it looks like the food cap is back to 200 like OG Starcraft. That's a lot of units on the screen at any time.
  6. I wish I could say the same about myself. But I'm still expanding my musical tastes and don't want to limit myself to one format.
  7. Yeah iceman I was just joking, I read the Omega speaker forums. It does have some good info.
  8. Hey at least they divide up the fanboys into neat little sections, central bastions of biased information
  9. I would try and look for the post, but those "what are..." threads are too big.
  10. Woah postjack that theme is very metal. Have you shown this to Dusty Chalk?
  11. Oh damn I'm listening to some Luther Allison on the L3000- the headphones are the guitar+tube amp all in this tiny space. It's amazing Blues > *
  12. http://sixmoons.com/industryfeatures/vsac03/vsac_3.html
  13. I did not start this thread hungrych I believe you now! 7/28/07
  14. For Sparta- jpak derails thread. Tonight we dine at Jays!
  15. Wheres my loonix runnin' homeboy JB when I need him
  16. Oooh PFK running the Vistas. We need to give you flogging for that
  17. Depth being the key word. No Halo could attempt to imitate that aspect.
  18. deepak

    slow forum

    It's terrible that I laughed at that. If only it was real, that building would have got destroyed.
  19. I'm seeding the torrent intermittently. An xvid or x264 would be ideal since the picture quality isn't that great, and wouldn't really suffer from compression. The lecture is well done, I wish I could have seen it (and heard the music) in person.
  20. deepak

    slow forum

    The 4chan cat images are getting kinda old.
  21. I mentioned this in the L3000 thread, but my friends and I did have a lot of fun with Halo 2 multiplayer and all the various game modes. I just didn't think the single player was that great. Even doing co-op legendary runs. Saying it's the best console shooter is like pointing out the smartest kid on the shortbus
  22. The game gives you more continues the more you play so I've seen the fourth level.
  23. Episode 6 of Flight of the Conchords. Finally get to see Bowie!
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