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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Glad to hear all sounds better. How does Opeth sound on vinyl? Thats a band I figured would sound better CD.
  2. Might as well get the best of both Mr Capitole
  3. deepak

    slow forum

    Ghost riding probably the invention of some modern Darwin genius. (ghost riding a lawn mower, lmbo) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlTvSUCCqPo]YouTube - Ghostride the Volvo[/ame] (I advise putting this one on mute) "when i get writers block i ghostride ya bitch"
  4. deepak

    slow forum

    I need to link some ghost riding youtube vids. That is probably the funniest music inspired stupidity I've seen. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=WOiWaTSypt4]YouTube - GHOST RIDE THE WHIP (totally sweet)[/ame] [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=yyAkxmAj5tk]YouTube - Kennedy's "Tell Me When To Go" Video[/ame]
  5. I'll get you next time Reks
  6. That's true. But when I had my M3 built I believe it was set to drive HD580s.
  7. I think I put an hour or so on them before mailing them to Jack just to make sure they worked fine. Glad to hear that you like them. Strange that you don't have much headroom on your Dynahi, my former M3 was able to drive them fine at 11 o'clock position and my source is standard 2 v output. I think you'll really like them with classical music that is really dynamic.
  8. The Prestige was one of my favorite movies last year. Good choice on Cube as well. Though Cube 2 and Cube Zero pale in comparison they are worth watching.
  9. Are there any other L3000 + Zana Deux owners? mulveling sent me a PM, so looking forward to his impressions. Anyone else?
  10. deepak

    slow forum

    Speakers are fun too.
  11. Indeed! I suppose my post came off as pretty harsh last night. Though I'm still not a fan of how it looks. The rest of the amp is good looking, I like the wood and the tranys left uncovered.
  12. IMO it makes it less work for the manufacturer to leave them that way for biasing. There's nothing holding them back from leaving the sockets internally and having the biasing done at the top or back of the case. It's just a matter of wiring it to a different location. The only reason I brought it up is I've seen DIY amps that have easy access to the inside of the case where you can bias the tubes. But the best looking amps I've seen have a spot where you can bias the tubes from the top or (my preference) the back of the case. Now if the 6c33c socket prevents it from doing that then I understand why they left them outside. They look really good on the Zana Deux, but I don't know if that's an auto biasing circuit or not. edit: nope looked at the pictures, they could have easily wired the biasing posts to a different part of the amp.
  13. No seriously I don't think I'd accept that if I was paying $1400 for it. I don't have speakers and I already have a well built K1000 power amp.
  14. Sort of amateur looking how the tube sockets are sticking out of the case \
  15. Yeah what interested me in the amp was seeing big name companies like Lamm running the 6c33 in their power amps. Of course for all I know Lamm could be the RSA of the speaker world
  16. Dr Gilmore do you mind giving us your take on the Zana Deux? I'm (and a few others I believe) interested in that amp as a headphone amp and preamp and your wisdom would be appreciated.
  17. Two bottles of Australian wine last night (my girlfriend picked out). Today is still sort of a blur
  18. That's because diamonds shouldn't be an investment If you want to invest might as well just invest, good money can still be made. Grabbing some Be South 16 now
  19. But sometimes you'll find some horribly "on rails" recording that will put you off the artist. Less likely to happen live.
  20. There is some strange Japanese fusion, ie Yuji Ohno (and 70s Italian stuff that sounds like it's out of police chase movies) that is fun to listen to. I can't really stand Miles fusion though.
  21. To clarify I'm not a jazz newbie, just if I find an artist I'm not familiar with I check AMG and go with the more highly rated live recordings before their studio work.
  22. thanks thanks hungych- I do have almost everything on the Masterpieces list. I'll check out the fusion list, though I'm not really into it.
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