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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Not to mention you got a reasonably well argued thread about gear vs music deleted which was annoying as hell. And your ridiculous assumptions that people that buy more music than gear live in their parents basement or have shitty lowfi setups made you look like a huge dumbass.
  2. We don't give a shit about post count, but when you go around posting one word replies in all caps it's sort of annoying. You spammed an emoticon with a flamethrower in countless threads, you wonder why they were deleted?
  3. Goodfellas. 'as far back as I can remember I wanted to be a gangster'
  4. deepak

    30 Runs!

    Makes Gagne's short comings look petty in comparison.
  5. Or "I could just have this shipped straight to jpak"
  6. The pursuit of perfection in speakers is a dangerous path
  7. Well in that case if you don't care about a USA warranty they're around $1550 on pricejapan.com. I might be one of the few people here that thinks highly of the Omega 2 since I don't hear it mentioned much here.
  8. I would avoid getting the SRM-717 or SRM-007t amp and go straight for a Headamp KGSS. In fact it will cost you less, since you can get the Omega 2 (headphone alone) from ElusiveDisc.com for $1800 and still have a USA warranty.
  9. Music > gears. Don't let them tell you otherwise man.
  10. Yeah it does After visiting Dana Point, I'll never be the same again!
  11. It's disappointing Mikhail (or Craig) couldn't make the meet \ I guess it was impossible with the California meet the day before.
  12. The best headphones don't recess or emphasize that region.
  13. Oh yes Mike (or Jack) if you guys like post rock Godspeed You! Black Emperor F#A#(infinity) sounds awesome on vinyl.
  14. I would love to compare my im716 to an E500. The im716 sounds really close to the ER4p, and I feel it has really good extension for an IEM while not sacrificing any of the highs.
  15. He sent me the Hoffman DVDs and was really nice about it. He's just a bit over zealous.
  16. It's pretty cool in a super cheesy kinda way. I usually rock it on my Zu Druids and Ed9 with Rudistor amp.
  17. NESperado is the only game music I listen to. Heavy metal covers of NES/SNES songs \m/
  18. sovkiller is a good guy and all but come on. What is it about U shaped FR's that makes people flock to these headphones? It's the same with the DT770. Midrange = music. I'll get to hear the Ed9 at the Boston meet, will update my impressions. /rant off
  19. I challenge you to a duel [me=jpak]slaps Reks with glove popping out his monocle[/me] Welcome Laine
  20. The publishers fool head would explode
  21. Ocean's 13 after this Jose Gonzalez CD is done.
  22. 1 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Delicious when consumed sparingly.
  23. Nice. If you're a Sabbath fan you have to track down their green label US first pressings. Hearing the basslines and drums was an eye opener for me.
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