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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Ten minutes (or a bit more) is reasonable. Sometimes I only pick up on grammar mistakes after a while. I think a TV/movies subforum would also be cool.
  2. http://www.usheraudiousa.com/products/loudspeakers/dancer-series/cp-8571 Has anyone here heard these? They received high praise from Yikes, and doing some searching a few other people at Hfi (not newbies) liked them as well and preferred them to most speakers in its price range.
  3. IIRC Jena is high quality copper wire. I would go this route and recable the L3000 with silver - (evil smiley)
  4. There might be an impedance mismatch with the Raptor, I couldn't stand it with a pair of RS-1 I heard. FWIW the L3000 is more detailed than the HP-2, which I spent many hours going back and forth with.
  5. His HE60 was something else, and having it side by side with the Ed9 didn't help.
  6. I can offer my impressions on the Edition 9. They had a ton of bass even at low volumes, holy moly it was a lot. The U shaped FR wasn't so bad, but it was evident. Surprisingly nice depth to the soundstage. However the main thing that turned me off them is they have a midrange coloration I haven't heard in any other headphone that makes vocals and guitar sound off. And the soundstage was tiny, much smaller than Ian's modded HF-1, HD580 balanced or HE60.
  7. You better believe cocksucker! Throw down 3 o'clock tomorrow either you show or you owe me a plot and a by with Al.
  8. I like the angel one because he has X's for the eyes
  9. Starting The West Wing season 1.
  10. Deadwood season 1, episode 2. Found out a couple of the big cocksuckers
  11. Ah but their R10 cable looks a lot like their interconnect cable...so is it just "headphone cable" or something more?
  12. Exact same situation, I'm moving so I shipped off some of my gear to someone that is looking after it until I get there.
  13. NoCal the forgotten California I'm listening to my K1000 on a truly ghetto-tastic rig. The line out of my M-Audio Transit to my Melos to my Pass Labs amp. I miss my DAC already.
  14. +1 for having just the K1000, it's damn hot tonight
  15. Avoid Sunshine, it was pretty bad. finally might get a chance to start watching it tonight. (Deadwood)
  16. I saw that and it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Ray bails on the Boston meet two days before the meet to attend the California meet? I know the Cali meet has more big hitters system wise, so I guess he's just catering to the market and looking out for his best interest \ Ah well no garbled bass/PS-1 2xRaptor for us heathens this time.
  17. I've seen him buy a K1000 on ebay.de for peanuts (both grills had several dents) and tried to sell them for over $1000 without mentioning the dents. The reason I know is I asked him the serial number and matched it with the auction I was watching. He's done it a few times, surprised the admins haven't caught on.
  18. Also on the headphone to throw and kill a man scale.
  19. The Terminal (gf kept bugging me to watch it) and now Sunshine.
  20. Rumor has it they're good headphones?
  21. The ProjeKcts box set is spine tingling good.
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