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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. No my mom's cooking. It will be missed :'(
  2. Lunch was good. For dinner, spiced lamb on a skewer bbq'ed with green peppers and onions. With spinach rice and mangos on the side.
  3. Got another loaf of fresh baked cheese bread, made a grilled cheese, onion and tomato sandwich. With some sour cream kettle cooked chips
  4. Haha my friend still uses one in his car. Only because he can't transfer all his hip hop to another player because he lost the data cable. That player is a tank.
  5. $40 for batteries for an ancient MP3 player double u tee eff.
  6. Maybe if the wood was nice, but spruce edit: p-jizzle only because you're my homeboy, here's a link to someone on Hfi using it: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=246541&highlight=k1000
  7. A month or two? lol purk you need to read more Head-case threads.
  8. I know what you mean. I lived in Manhattan for 6 weeks. Heavenly pizza, though my favorite stuff was made by a Greek/Mexican run place in Brooklyn.
  9. I've had Frescheta (?) rising crust pizza it wasn't bad. There isn't a single pizza place that delivers to my parents house, and I just don't feel like driving somedays. And there is really only one good quality hand made pizza place in the town next to us anyway.
  10. The best part is you can post drunk welcome boomana!
  11. It's almost as good, but for half the price. I picked up these on managers sale for $3, which is more like a third of the price I don't really like frozen pizza other than Unos or California Pizza Kitchen.
  12. The MS2 are great headphones.
  13. Oh yes and the HD580 with HD600 grills looks a million times better than the plastic ones. It actually looks like a serious headphone.
  14. I heard the HD580 w/ HD600 grills and Cardas cable on Headroom's balanced Desktop amp, and that setup was dynamite! I think it's best if someone more knowledgeable mentions the modules used, but for ~ $1800 (amp, headphones, cable) all you need is your own digital source that was a pretty damn nice rig. If the Sennheisers are your favorite (or reference) headphones I would seriously give that amp/DAC combo some thought.
  15. Unos cheese pizza (store bought) with Diet Coke.
  16. Is a SinglePower amp truly transparent if tube rolling makes such huge differences?
  17. lol, thanks Mike I see a second HE90 in purk's future, he doesn't seem to be sold on this speaker thing
  18. purk next time you guys have a mini meet let me know I have the weekends off and if I can get an extra Friday or Monday off that's perfect for a visit to the souf
  19. He's probably using tabbed browsing (watch out postjack)
  20. A lot of our off topic discussion is about television shows and movies, so what about a TV and movies subforum? I think it would have decent activity.
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