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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Woah woah don't be bringing sine and cosine into these discussions. This is the speaker forum, not the nerd forum.
  2. My old amp got super hot and it only put out 30 watts. You think it was a dud? Clearly I should have had that Sherwood all along.
  3. Dew eet 100 whats: http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sherwood-Stereo-Receiver-RX-4105/sem/rpsm/oid/121266/catOid/-12949/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do probably gets real loud
  4. Last week's and then the season finale of Entourage.
  5. Watch the first episode of season 4 to see Billy Walsh at his best. The whole crew are in Colombia shooting a movie and Billy is the director.
  6. Tell him "suits suck" if you ever do. He'll get it
  7. Yeah but it's worth watching the show for Johnny Drama and Ari Gold alone. But the drama factor did kick in a bit more in season 3, which was sort of lame. Still a lot of funny episodes like the image I linked where Drama fucks that furry.
  8. I need to catch up on FotC. So good!
  9. Damn...Billy Walsh is one of the best characters on the show Hook me up with an autograph Yeah it's a good show, very light hearted. I'd say it makes my top 10 favorite TV show list. Plus Jeremy Piven who plays Ari Gold is one of the greatest written characters...ever.
  10. No kidding, there's a furry thread on Hfi. Just when you think you're safe...
  11. NWS: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5922/newfurqu9jp8.gif [me=jpak]loves Entourage[/me]
  12. Creepy people do creepy stuff, I wouldn't worry about finding any logic. He wasn't a furry was he? Because that is some disturbing shit.
  13. Samsung 40" LCD TV (720p) for my parent's bedroom. And a Phillips Divx/DVD upsampling DVD player.
  14. I know what you mean, I got too comfortable with central air in my apartment. So now if it gets over 75 in my room I usually just sleep in the basement's (fully furnished) guest bedroom which is always really cool. I thought about moving my headphone setup to the basement lounge/game room just because it's so cool. But meh laziness (I was only home a month). I can't stand the cold, usually keep it at 78-80
  15. No idea about headphone amps, I thought you meant tube amps in general.
  16. A few big power amps that use tubes like KT88s have fans in them.
  17. lmilhan is a cool guy. His avatar is a photoshop joke for how ugly the K1000 is (you can find the thread if you search).
  18. Good thing the Grado cups I have coming were made by Head-Case's "Lord of the Lathe"
  19. Man I'm really close to getting someone to build a balanced Mini^3 to use with the E-MU0404 USB I bought. I'll see how it sounds as a D/A first I guess.
  20. The wire on im716 comes out at an angle similar to the ER4. You're probably right the im716 is probably slightly smaller.
  21. There's not much difference between the ER4s and im716 fit. The stem on the im716 might be slightly shorter, I'm not sure.
  22. Thanks, and I'm glad I missed your spoilers in the other thread Wild Bill you will not be forgotten. Al is insane huh?
  23. Jesus F107plus5 is like the official Grado apologist. He posts multiple times in every single Grado/Alessandro thread, and every post more or less says the exact same thing
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