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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Before being discontinued most people were using some mediocre amps, from what I've read using the search. IIRC canman was the first one to use a balls to the wall amp- the original Aleph 3, which blew a lot of people away at the NY meet he took them to. That sort of got the ball rolling.
  2. lol, what? You know you could build an amp for them that's close to $10000-15000 in parts alone...how much is that retail? $17000-30000?
  3. Fair enough, I understand that logic. After all my knowledge is third hand, but I don't believe it to be true; I know it is (unless this is some elaborate hoax with a small group of people that spans an internet forum of 50000+ people and into a forum of only ~ 3500). And unless the photos he posted involved heavy photoshopping, or he has a stunt double that looks exactly like him.
  4. They are pricey to build a system around. Everytime I look at custom amp solutions for them, my eyes almost fall out of my head. archosman: now is probably the time to sell since there is a lot of hype surrounding them (National Meet separate K1000 room, NorCal meet with Foo_me's setup, etc a lot of people are touting them to be the best headphones ever made).
  5. I'm not revealing too much since this is a private forum, but he has friends that posted in that thread on SA and that know him personally in the forum I'm in. He's not a gimmick.
  6. No I guarantee you it is not. Like I said I know him from another much smaller forum.
  7. Then you can post in this thread and call me a LIAR
  8. And it's 'only' $600. For the crowd it's catering to B&W could have charged a heck of a lot more.
  9. If it's made by B&W it probably sounds decent.
  10. Specific to the frontal lobe I would agree But theres more higher thought centers than just that in the frontal lobe. Does it come in black? KC ftw
  11. The MS2i is a sweet headphone. Nice score Jack. Wish you could have done a comparison with the HP-2 though
  12. Interesting thought. Though as an intelligent species, I disagree that there is a lack of environmental pressure, specific to the higher human brain functions.
  13. Yeah later on he mentions it effects his sex life (something along the lines of having no sex drive) which is a shame since he's engaged to a really good looking girl. That's up there in creep factor
  14. This is NOT for the light hearted: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2613590 Worst part is he posts on a music forum I'm on and seems like a normal guy \
  15. The title lends itself to "sensationalist bullshit" but so far it's well done. And IIRC the title "worlds most ___" is the name of the National Geographic series and not just reserved for this documentary.
  16. Two years, that's simply madness. I assume that's when the M3 was announced?
  17. Worlds Most Dangerous Drug - National Geography (shout out to anyone from Oregon )
  18. deepak

    Thank god...

    koolbubbaice makes a thread when he gets his headphones recabled
  19. Yeah but SA now bans them on the spot. A bit harsh, but I think it's because they just stir up drama and feel the need to let everyone know they're a furry.
  20. I think we can all be glad that there aren't many furry avatars. Except for that one guy. adblock (right click block image) + Firefox is the way to go.
  21. Yeah I know I should have bought one at $400 when I joined Headfi. SR-60 to RS-1 and I probably would have never come back.
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