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Everything posted by deepak

  1. 1. "Nil Recurring" 6.08 2. "Normal" 7.09 3. "Cheating the Polygraph" 7.10 4. "What Happens Now?" 8.23 So far I'm really loving the extra tracks on this album. I just preordered the EP from burningshed, but the tracks will be on the DVD-A release of Fear of a Blank Planet. Fear of a Blank Planet is also available on vinyl for preorder, which I ordered as well
  2. No it doesn't. But I'd rather not do anything to my cable (I really hope you're going to suggest P-P and not balanced )
  3. Cool. I will be sending him an email for things I'm looking for in the amp. On the subject of the Cary (I assume you mean 300SEI) from what aerius and a few other DIYAudio guys say it really shouldn't that hard to make an amp that sounds better than a 6SN7-driver/300B amp. Or at the very least measures a hell of a lot better.
  4. lol Ryan thanks man. Yeah if I got a B52 I would be inclined to give the other half to my homeslices postjack or jb. jb the mad scientist could probably do something to make it sound acceptable.
  5. Badass, I will track down this stuff. Reks your hard bop album sounds real tasty.
  6. Alright my laptop is able to do WPA and WPA-PSK. It's using Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG built in.
  7. I'll ask him. How secure is WPA? I've read a lot about it when it was introduced, then sort of lost interest.
  8. I will add the MAC filtering, completely forgot about that. As for the unlocked leeching thing, I wouldn't necessarily say they would since they might not be able to pick up those networks- I'm barely able to connect to either of them. He is using a USB wifi dongle, I'll have to look closer to see if it can do WPA. But the thing is a piece of crap :'(
  9. We just installed our cable internets at our apartment today and I picked up a wireless router. Now my roomate's laptop isn't able to do WPA Soooo, we're using WEP 128 bit right now. Now we're in a pretty nice building and when I use my wireless browser program to look for SSIDs I see about 15-20. Most are locked, one or two aren't. Which obviously means there are tons of wifi users in this building. How paranoid should I be about people cracking our WEP? For what it's worth I only get on the internet about an hour at night, and he probably does the same. Neither of us leave our laptops running all the time; I might overnight or during the day if I'm downloading something but my desktop computer is connected by a wire, so it's pretty rare. I plan on changing the WEP key every 5 days or something. Any other security measures we should take? Thanks
  10. Back in my day we sterilized surgical tools with only hot water, get off my lawn sonny There's still hope left to turn you away from surgery goon to team med-geek
  11. Oh damn the Head-Case "dew eat" has been thrown down, followed by an ex tew from our future transplant surgeon and you've backed down!! <insert ban him macro>
  12. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106037 Dew eat
  13. The SHA-1 is pretty mediocre with anything other than the HP-2, I would really love to hear a better amp in the under $1000 price range that was a better amp with the HP-1000, excluding the SHA-Gold. Hence why I sold it, and the soundstage issues I mentioned. With the L3000/Amperex OGs it was better than my M^3 with STEPS (run of the mill parts all around). It's not even that good with John Grado headphones, there definitely isn't much synergy with my HF-1 and SHA-1. And it is basically a $400-600 amp (depending on tubes, mine had 2 faceplates); nothing more. But computerpro3 said his Maestrobated SHA-Gold and RS-1 kept up with the Zana Deux and a few other high end amps. How true that is I have no idea, but I'm willing to bet meet conditions came into play and favored his amp/his preferences/experience or lack of.
  14. Yeah I appreciate it purk but I've chose not to buy from SinglePower. I'm going to try contacting Craig at Eddie Current in the coming months. Anyone feel free to offer more suggestions.
  15. I should have clarified this in my post, sorry. I would have to buy a SDS new as I've rarely seen them come up for sale. And I would want the newer chassis and not the toaster oven.
  16. I don't want to plunk down a few g's and be waiting a year? I'm just going to avoid SP on this purchase, I appreciate all the feedback from everyone regarding their amps.
  17. I'm not buying an SP amp new. And I was under the impression MagneQuest iron was pretty damn good?
  18. Thanks for the thorough reply Mike. I'd definitely like to hear the SDS, as a Supra/SDS probably isn't out of my price range. Still I'm not sure if I'd like something that "tubey". I actually really liked the more "SS" sound of the Melos with tubes I had in it, just the soundstage was too small with any headphones. I'll shoot him an email eventually but I don't want to look like a tire kicker right now. Are you referring to jp# HD-2? IIRC in the meet thread he said he just bought an L3000, so I guess I'll send him a PM asking him how he likes it. Thanks for info on the tranys.
  19. Thanks Nate I appreciate the feedback. But I'm really set on getting tubes for both the L3000 and K1000. I'm sure the B22 is a great amp but for my listening tastes I feel I can only get that "real in the room sound" with tubes. An all in one solution is also something that I don't really need, as the K1000 amp might be sharing the same amps as my speakers, so I'm not in any hurry to rush into that. When the time comes closer for me to get the speaker setup I'm going to take one final listen to my friend's Avantgarde system and hopefully hear the K1000 with his 300B blocks.
  20. I have my old M^3 (which is now my friend's) but he doesn't really listen to headphones anymore, so it's sort of on long term loan with me.
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