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Everything posted by deepak

  1. This isn't the first thread you've done this in. Which was the other one? speaker amps?
  2. I know what you mean... But all the bling bling is going into my tube amp
  3. What you need is a crentist [me=jpak]begins The Office countdown[/me]
  4. Maybe if someone sent me a loaner and I liked what I heard I was actually digging the HD650 the last time I heard them on my M^3, so it might be the HD580 that goes. On that modest setup the differences between the 580 & 650 weren't huge. But I'm skeptical if I'd even be able to hear cable differences since the headphones will be used straight out of an E-MU0404 USB when I'm at the hospital.
  5. Always an option. Other than meet settings I haven't heard any of the aftermarket Sennheiser cables. Who knows it might sound good on my HD580.
  6. Sennheiser HD650 with Cardas. Damn that postjack edit: add purk and mulveling to the guilty party list as well
  7. I agree. So thin it doesn't even look like there's enough room for the 1/8" connection. Jay have you tried watching video on it yet?
  8. deepak

    Aww yeah

    CD-R Music. You friggin pirate
  9. deepak

    slow forum

    I normally hate this cat crap, but this is sort of funny
  10. I think the American hospitals get to keep a bit more, which goes towards all their usual expenses. Here's a Canadian mishap that happened in the last two years, which one of my dad's old colleague's told him about. A girl came into the hospital he used to work at with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, a fairly serious emergency case especially if there is significant blood loss. This hospital was in a town just outside Edmonton, I'll have to ask about its catchment area's population. The surgery attending on call couldn't be reached, and apparently for its catchment area there should have been more surgeons (or preferably ObGyn docs available). So she wasn't able to have emergency lap. surgery performed and instead all they were able to do was stabilize her and try and transfer her to Edmonton. I believe she spent roughly an hour or so being stabilized (group/cross match, transfusion, etc). She died before getting to the Edmonton hospital. The reason this happened was because of physician shortage, apparently a hospital that size should have had someone that was able to do the surgery. An American hospital of that size would have probably had at least few G.S. attendings and a few ObGyn attendings. I highly doubt if this happened at a similar hospital in the US this girl would have died. Of course if she was treated in the US I'm sure her insurance premium would have went up quite a bit, but she'd have lived to talk about it \ But philodox is right, physicians have more incentive to be in the US. Salaries are considerably higher, tax brackets at those levels are much lower than Canada, physician health care for themselves and the rest of their family is usually amongst the best, etc, etc. So yes I am biased towards the American system (just as you guys are biased towards Canada's), but I feel somewhat less because I know a lot about both systems. But IMO the American health care system is much better. And I feel this needs to be emphasized: if you can NOT afford health care in the US a hospital (every single hospital that I know of) will not turn you away. Its built into their margins to treat these patients. It's not advertised for obvious reasons.
  11. Yup I agree. But the steps that are being taken are going at a snails pace. This has been a problem in Canada for as long as I can remember. And this isn't just recent knowledge since I'm in the residency phase, my dad has told me quite a bit about the health care system from his perspective and other Canadian physicians.
  12. The government has to pay $80000 CAD to a hospital for each residency position every year. They probably pay the resident $50-55k (my best guess) and keep the rest. That might have something to do with it. In the US the government pays $100000 USD to a hospital for each residency position every year. The resident (depending on their year and they get a bonus if they're somewhere like NYC for extra living expenses) sees about $50-55k of that. And there are no shortages of residency positions here, clearly the US government and its tax dollars is doing something right here.
  13. When I get home I could go into way more detail. I have a PDF of Canadian vs US residency positions and I know about all the problems my Canadian friends had getting residencies in their own country. Canada is basically closed borders for any IMG (international medical grads) for anything other than family practice which is just silly. Or maybe it isn't? But if it's a pain in the ass for Canadian Med grads to get their residency of choice, that shows a huge flaw in the junior physician pyramid right there. Considering world leading hospitals like Cleveland Clinic, the Harvard teaching hospitals, all Ivy League hospitals (except for 1) all accept IMG applicants. And have had residents at their hospitals take chief resident positions and go on to become excellent doctors in all fields of medicine and surgery.
  14. I won't even get started on the huge physician shortage that is still a problem in Canada, yet the Canadian government refuses to open up more medical school seats. AND refuses to significantly increase the number of Canadian residency positions available (the number of family physician residencies has increased in the last 3 or 4 years, but still pretty low). I guarantee you it's still not fixed.
  15. That could happen in Canada as well (minus the $100k bill part). Any hospital with a shortage of beds and/or ER physicians and it's a possibility, since the nurse on call is more than likely not going to want to page the non-ER attending on call if it's a late hour. Shortage of beds was a huge problem in three of the hospitals my dad worked at. And one of them was a major academic hospital in Edmonton.
  16. Eh...every hospital I've been at has a clause that they have to treat patients regardless of their financial situation. aerius I've never heard of anything like that happening unless it's some backwards hospital where their entire system of care is basically broken. You really won't find that in 95% of the hospitals, I'm pretty sure about that. The Sick Kid's Hospital is a world renowned peds hospital (and I've had friends that rotated there and said it was exceptional) but in the US you have hospitals like Mass General, Brigghams, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo (Rochester), Hopkins, UCSF, Baylor (hooray), Presbyterian, etc.
  17. Unless the Canadian health care system has changed radically in the last 10 years it's nothing to write home about. My dad practiced in two Canadian provinces.
  18. Damn that Icarium and his lengthy posts
  19. My comp'd medical insurance is so good it probably covers the guy next to me at any given time
  20. I always read that as silver plated copper, but I may be way off?
  21. The stock K1000 cable is weird rubber, bendy, stays in place covering that would be the main reason I'd recable it. Otherwise I think the stock cable sounds fine.
  22. Mmm...tent pitchin' going on with all these possibilities. Now if only there were 40 hours in a day.
  23. I should have got off my ass and seen them in May
  24. There are no perks that came with golden god
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