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Everything posted by deepak

  1. You could cheer yourself up by building me a Millet ECC99 K1000 amp
  2. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are two of my favorite PS2 games. I highly recommend any PS2 owners get these two games, you should be able to find both for under $20 each. Ico Shadow of the Colossus Both games have the most realistic environments I've ever seen in a video game and really make you feel like you're part of the castle or the imaginary world of SotC.
  3. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    No trust me I was. The HR-HD rips took a lot longer than the regular HD rips to go up, which usually went up just after the show ended. Plus those HR rips were something like 1.2 GB per episode
  4. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    I like watching them in full HD on cable. For BSG the HR-HD rips only leaked out a while after the season had started. And the normal HDTV rips look like crap on 1080p
  5. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    Yeah most people have been saying SkyHD will broadcast them normally. I have high hopes for season 4, not so sure about the Pegasus mini-series.
  6. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    I really hope this is a joke: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33862
  7. Great comparison Laine, very well thought out
  8. deepak


    I guess I sort of ran out of steam with Deadwood. I'm somewhere half way through the first season and the last time I watched it was a couple of weeks ago \
  9. Very nice impressions from Gene. Seems like a good idea to jump in this group buy if you're looking for new/more headphones since you're saving a pantload of money.
  10. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    Identity theft, serious business
  11. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    I've got a few friends hooked on BSG, it's my favorite show on TV right now.
  12. God damn son you've never had mayo? edit: chicken tikka: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tikka Though with the spices I use it comes out more red.
  13. Last night I cooked a pretty nice dinner. Chicken tikka masala with Basmati rice, Puchadi (yogurt, onions, cucumber, tomato). And I used some of the left over chicken tikka for a sandwich for lunch - brown bread, lettuce, small bit of light mayo.
  14. Laine would appreciate HF-1 vs MS2i comparison if you could do one. Thanks.
  15. I've only tried it with my Sennheiser HD580, it gets loud but it sounds like crap.
  16. It's a line out, not an actual headphone amp.
  17. Yup that's correct. The M-Audio drivers are extremely simple, and IIRC what Steve Nugent of Empirical Audio based his drivers off on the old Off-Ramps. But the driverless soundcards are very nice. The only reason I have the E-MU0404 USB is because I use it as a DAC/headphone amp at work.
  18. I have both the E-MU0404 USB and M-Audio Transit. The Transit has flawless, rock solid, simple drivers with bit perfect without having to use ASIO. The E-MU has more complex drivers, and requires some monkying to get bit perfect working, but it has a lot more features compared to the Transit. I haven't compared the two side by side to see which sounds better.
  19. deepak

    slow forum

    Frack yeah indeed! Baltar + Gaita 2008 pres/vice
  20. deepak

    slow forum

    Baltar 4 life crew checking in.
  21. To add, I could do it with 45s, since the EML stuff is still in production and a pair of the 45-mesh tubes is well in my price range. if anyone was curious I believe Mr. Shadow is having a friend build him a 45 tube amp for his W11JPN.
  22. Wheres thee leather lebowski
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