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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Loved them with the best recorded classical. Couldn't enjoy them with jazz, tonality just wasn't what I hear in real life. I realize these may be contradictory statements, but IME jazz is closer mic'ed and with the trio/quartet/quintet type music I prefer it is easier to hear into the instrument so everything really needs to be spot on to sound real.
  2. Any suggestions for the foam/wool like material that goes on the back of Lambdas?
  3. Looks like the people here that predicted he would go commercial were spot on.
  4. deepak


    A turntable for you Brent http://deals.woot.com/sellout
  5. The only fair way to compare different resolutions is if they are all the same mastering. Comparing a remastered CD to an HDTracks version isn't really the same even if they aren't remixed. As even shifting levels a couple of dB here and there when (re)mastering will make something sound different.
  6. Just wondering why you ripped Lateralus at 24/48? It's still 16/44 even if it's an HDCD. Lateralus is not a disc that utilizes the "peak extension".
  7. My sister told me she is INTJ as well (in med school atm, BS in psych) Also forums tend to attract us losers
  8. INTJ (shocker ) Though oddly I could swear I was an E when I took this years ago. I think I've only become more out going with work experience, being subject to broader group of people, etc.
  9. It would be really expensive as a commercial amp since it is a 2 box design with external heatsinks on the amp and power supplies.
  10. Why not use a quad (or 2 ch) TKD pot? Then you aren't left worrying about the long term reliability of an unknown mechanical switch
  11. I'm going to wait till I have a chance to hear them myself for a couple of hours with a range of music. From communicating with some people I trust I'm told they're even brighter than the SR-Omega, and in that case I wouldn't be able to tolerate them as the SR-Omega still push those boundaries fairly close to my limit. Also there are some HE90-esque colorations in the SR-Omega that I like (blown out soundstage, nice midbass, etc). But if I like the 009 more then sure they'll be something I consider. I still think the O2 mk1 are my reference for neutral on a good amp. HPA- would you mind writing up a detailed thought on the BH vs the Zana Deux? Maybe throw in those speakers in the mix as well (they look really sweet)?
  12. What do you mean, the wires are plugged in
  13. Woo woo making sweet sound with the SR-Omega now.
  14. That Tumi is hot. Will see if I can check it out in person. I don't particularly want to go down the sleeve + any bag route.
  15. Someone should have alerted Sennheiser that Blu-Ray won the format war
  16. Any suggestions for an over the shoulder that is fashionable and will protect a 15.2" fatty laptop well? I am thinking leather, but understated to go well with shirt/tie type attire. I have been using a laptop backback that has 1/2" of padding on both sides of the laptop slot, but I need something not so student-ish
  17. Well if KG releases his high frequency AC heater board/power supply I want to try my hand (and probably fail miserably) at a DHT transformer coupled amp with multiple taps in the long distant future. Maybe even venture into the insane territory like Magnequest TL iron
  18. Heh I was actually looking for a more technical answer than just the silver part. I had Colin's spudder which I think had a 32 ohm output off the Electras and sounded great with Grados and LCD-2, but came off muffled with Senns (I mean by no means bad, but comparing it to Dynahi the differences were obvious).
  19. Is there some secret sauce to optimizing the OPTs to sound good with a wide variety of headphone impedances? I am just wondering since there is only a single tap off the Electraprints in the BA, but some other commercial offerings have multiple output taps off their transformers.
  20. Wish I could make it, you guys have fun
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