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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I somehow doubt it's going to be off the island, if it is the show loses a lot of the mystery it had going.
  2. Last one Circle - Sunrise Badass Finish "new wave of Finish heavy metal " kraut rock, one of my absolute favorites that I discovered in one of my psychedelic phases. Boris - Pink who the hell knows how to describe Boris? The Melvins meet Japan? Boris rules!
  3. woops forgot this one, another favorite: Eric Clapton and BB King - Riding with the King A very easy album to listen to, got me into the blues and Clapton at the same time. Not much more needs to be said
  4. Since the theme of this thread is music that inspired and/or got you into more diverse music (or just started your love for music) I'll add those albums. Again in no particular order: AC/DC- Live Lied about the order thing, this was the first truly awesome rock album I had ever heard. IIRC I picked it up in 3rd grade (?) and holy shit did it rock hard. It still rocks hard! Imagine hearing this when you'd been listening to nothing but country music for the last 3 years Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King The very first prog rock album I got on the recommendation of a friend's dad when I asked him what progressive rock was. Mind melted, head blown fool, whatever you call it 10 years later and I'm still addicted to prog rock and trying to find new bands. Miles Davis - Bitches Brew Discovered this sometime in high school, definitely went over my head the first few times. I think it was only in my junior year that I was able to appreciate jazz and this was the album I came back to. Godspeed You! Black Emporer - F#A#(infinity) An epic album. I've searched high and low for post rock bands that can do what GYBE have done and there are few that can match or exceed them. John Zorn - Masada, Live in NYC The album that introduced me to experimental music and introduced the concept that music still changes and people are still doing great things to make music "out of the box". Zorn is in my top 5 artists to see live before I die. Sunn O))) - Black One Holy crap this album is a beast. An entire album of the darkest droniest, bowel moving drone. I remember hearing it on the bus late at night on the highway, pouring rain. Came on with my IEMs and I felt truly afraid like something terrible was about to happen. No other doom/drone band does it like Sunn. Ravi Shankar - Three Ragas A gift from my dad, the album that introduced me to Indian classical music. Really good stuff here.
  5. Holy shit this album just melted my brain. I've heard a bunch of Zakir Hussain and he is indeed a master of the tabla (and obviously a huge McLaughlin fan) but these two tear shit up. Indian classical rules.
  6. Which albums by Bottle Rockets, Festus or Uncle Tupelo?
  7. Other Wilco recommendations or any other bands that you guys would recommend?
  8. Thanks a lot, it really is a big help when reading the forums
  9. It was actually $40 when it came out, but I'd buy it again at that price. I basically explored for a long time between each colossus, which made the game a lot longer. And my character was close to maxed out with his stamina and health.
  10. "Mark all posts as read" only works now and then.
  11. Ico is even shorter. You could probably beat it in 5-6 hours. I did it in 8 since I did a lot of exploring. My SotC game was 13 hours.
  12. 14-2 this season, calling it
  13. Much shenanigans surrounding the Pats
  14. If it was I wasn't hearing it, the bass was truly terrible. I thought it sounded much better with the HD600 balanced.
  15. Thanks for the schematics aerius. I'm going to wait to see what Eddie Current has coming out.
  16. I wouldn't use it with low impedance headphones. It sounded like ass with the PS-1, the HR-2/PS-1 sounded much better.
  17. Did you see the extended cut? I think it has an extra 25 minutes of footage.
  18. Awesome race at Fuji, wet track ftw
  19. "You should skip the ceremony and just setup a college fund for Meredith's son" - Dwight "Have you seen that kid? He's not going to college" - Michael Also Jan has lost her implants :'(
  20. I gotcha. They're racing Fuji tomorrow.
  21. Suzuka looked like a great track, I'm eager to see how Fuji Speedway pans out. Can't wait for tomorrow.
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