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Everything posted by deepak

  1. You're right I should have replaced assume with "I know"
  2. Gah I'll have to buy this one The packaging could be better, but it's not bad.
  3. Arrrgh why is new vinyl so expensive Year Zero Fear of a Blank Planet (either the standard edition or the LE) Radiohead discbox set anything by Boris all so much money
  4. I've been reading about the Living Voice OBX-R2 that aerius mentioned on the first page. I'm trying to setup an audition for them now. Will update with impressions when I do. Hopefully the dealer listed in NYC still carries them. edit: external crossovers seems so logical... you assume that they have to be sensitive to vibrations, and most speakers house them internally where there's tons of vibration (surprised more speaker makers don't do this)
  5. Yes! The printer ink joke was so subtle and hilarious
  6. Creed continues to be one of my favorite characters
  7. I'm listening to Hawkwind on the L3000 and it rocks, but I'd rather be: enjoying some single track riding in warm weather. Where is home?
  8. Oh cool I thought mine was the silver version? Haj: it's a sweet DAC, I've said it too many times. mjg got one recently though I haven't seen his impressions.
  9. http://www.mofi.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=7&idproduct=119 Very excited to hear the Mofi treatment
  10. Dudes if I buy a Mini^3 from one of you, can I get a custom gain switch installed so that the amp is a unique 1/1 and I can later sell it for way more than it's worth?
  11. That really sucks. Sorry to hear about the stolen amp Probably makes it even harder for honest people to audition your amps.
  12. Lets not forget the PS-1's rediculously overblown bass
  13. I don't care about the theme as long as I get that little bar at the bottom with 10 new posts A photo gallery would be really cool, though I wouldn't use it as much as others.
  14. Fess up PFK whats going on in that head of yours Thanks man, I'll PM you if I decide to do that.
  15. Cool Nate I'll send you a message soon. And I'm not looking for something to rival or best my M^3, just something better than the integrated amp on that sound card.
  16. I find the built in headphone amp in my E-MU0404USB is really lacking compared to my M^3. So I've been thinking about getting the Mini^3. Or I'll entertain other amps in its price range.
  17. http://photobucket.com I've never seen them delete images (as in really old images), and 25 GB bandwidth/1 GB storage is plenty for me.
  18. I've been using the default theme since 2.0 came out and I'd like to switch to something more interesting. So let's hear what theme you're using
  19. The build quality issues are another turn off with the D2000/D5000.
  20. And House turns out to be Ben's physician and is able to cure him after he sumos Jack into the volcano, thus becoming their new leader and proceeds to bone Kate and diss Sawyer.
  21. How about House and Jack put on sumo suits and battle it out over a creaky bridge on a volcano they discover...in season 4.
  22. Oh nos the heroic spinal surgeon devoured by a bear :'(
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