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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Looking for DIY amp cases that resemble the ARC amps. So must be silver and the love handles are a nice touch Needs to be around 16" length along the front of the case. Thanks guys!
  2. Radiohead Discbox set replacement stethoscope knubs
  3. deepak

    My love for Seinfeld

    I could watch this show all afternoon and never get sick of it
  4. Key to saving money on a house: do not buy a fireplace imported from Italy
  5. What about the veniogenesis on Head-Case A drunken mistake? An aborted fetus? A ____
  6. I'm aware, Gordon Rankin is pretty easy to talk to as well.
  7. Yeah but if you get Sophias, all other Wilson owners will look down on you. And the point of owning Wilsons is to have speakers with a finish to match your Ferrari (at least thats what the Stereophile advertising tells me )
  8. The Cosine is a pretty nice DAC huh? The DAC is only USB 1.1 though right?
  9. Wow...the worst part is I assume most of those HE90 owners are grown ups (seeing they can afford HE90s) \
  10. I've heard the Omega 2 a couple of times with a KGSS, and ES-1. This is Sparta! Give us a gist of some of those PMs
  11. What does the builder of said sweet gears get?
  12. We're all biased I think it's cool that spritzer has a system where the Omega 2 sounds better than the HE90 and he's not afraid to buck those HE90 fans, as I've seen him catch a lot of flack from them
  13. My take on Radiohead - In Rainbows: It's a very good album that I enjoyed on first listen. It didn't blow me away, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as some of those albums tend to get "dull" in the long run. Instead this album is a nice balance of laid back rock and fun/dancey pop-rock. I'm once again very impressed by how Thom Yorke uses his voice more as an instrument (people might or might not like this, but he probably sounds the most "normal" on this album, as in not over-produced with digital effects). The layering (sounds take on their own space, are softer/louder/more textured/detailed than others), and mixing in this album is just as good as past Radiohead albums and sounded sublime on my L3000s though the limitations of the CBR mp3s reared its ugly head . And the album could have done with less gain. My favorite tracks on the album are 15 Step (what a way to start an album! Though it might have been too strong an opener as it gets progressively mellower from there on) and Weird Fishes/Arpeggi. Overall impressed and I like it a lot more than Thom Yorke's solo album, which I was pretty disappointed with. And I'm happy I preordered the discbox set, hopefully the outtakes are just as good
  14. ... err. Is he trying to cater to your interests? They'll need really good upstream components to sound ok.
  15. Well specifically about the Omega 2 I don't think they can reproduce rock faithfully unless that means just playing back the music minus the dynamics and slam. Which is what live rock music sounds like. Not the dainty way the Omegas do it. Again just IMO, a good dynamic headphone will have high resolution with the dynamic bass and dynamics to make it sound like you're listening to rock and not a spinning silver disc.
  16. Oh screw you, Mr HD650 is one of the best headphones ever . On postjack's forum changing of opinions = ban (where I am admin and joo r peon)
  17. I'll completely disagree with that. Even though my audition was brief I don't think Wilson speakers are all they're cracked up to be. Search speaker forums for Wilson impressions. They're probably second in line behind Bose for most over rated speakers, which I think has to do more with the cost to performance ratio than them actually sounding terrible.
  18. I dunno stats can't really make you rock out with your cock out. More like rock out with your inverted penis And you're the only one that seems to think that they can edit: silver wiring, good amp (or more like an amp worthy of the gods?), good source, bend headband out...check, check, check, check I've heard all the arguments before
  19. I liked the newer W/P system I heard but it was a pretty brief audition. I do tend to agree with people that say they're dry sounding and can sound bright. IMO not worth their used or new prices.
  20. Isn't it wicked hot in the souf? Plus y'all lose power a few times a week...?
  21. I just preordered the discbox, since they let you cancel at any time before it ships.
  22. I refused a donation because of their damn moon currency. Bastards
  23. You need more Hug and Dance Audio in your life ? - ?
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