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Everything posted by deepak

  1. It's coming out for PS3 and 360 (and presumably the PC at a later date). But right now they're saying only the 360 version will have the exclusive downloadable content. GTA SA was really fun. I wasted so much time sky diving And I really liked the size of the world.
  2. If GTA IV actually came out this fall my sleep cycle would be doomed.
  3. Now I just need that 360! But it looks like the new mobos/cores are out so I'll be getting one very soooon, my roomate is going to be very happy
  4. Thanks. We'll see how much it costs to send big chunks of metal from Italy to the US
  5. Bioshock limited edition for Xbox 360
  6. I understand the finish won't be some nice powder coating or anything, but as long as it's not raw aluminum it should be fine. I guess I'll continue to look for more options. Nate would you mind sharing your experience with Par-Metal? If you don't want to post it here a PM would be great. Thanks. ATI hasn't got back to me yet, and I can't read Italian (HiFi2000) \
  7. Why? They only have that one case listed on ebay, and I want something that's taller.
  8. The Pars-Metal 12 series case looks like it will suit me very well and they're based in the USA (unlike ATI or Hifi2000). Is the clear anodized (aluminum) the one that will look closest to the ARC finish? Thanks
  9. That's very cool Would be neat to see a scale model of the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin
  10. Andy and Dwight...friends? I think this was the best episode this season.
  11. Great impressions I recall hearing most of what you described.
  12. Hug and Dance Audio FTW! But I've already got a name for my amp ^__^
  13. One does not simply communicate with Portal
  14. Is anyone else getting their fool head blown away by how sweet this is? Though the game is raping my laptop...
  15. Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before the Ship Sank on vinyl. I just gave up trying to get it from Newbury Comics, they've canceled my order 3 separate times, and I think the first time I ordered it was many months ago So I just bought it off ebay. I really love this album, I hope Johnny Marr remains a staple of Modest Mouse.
  16. Yeah I will. It's nothing original or anything.
  17. I'm going to keep it on the down-low until it all goes through
  18. I'm not, I took the first pro-active steps towards getting my real amplification for my main system sorted out. So I'm going to see that through to the end first.
  19. deepak

    My love for Seinfeld

    At least they have good taste in music and gear (except for grawk's fusion/Kenny G obsession)
  20. deepak

    My love for Seinfeld

    Yeah I only discovered the show maybe 5-6 years ago? So there are still episodes I've never seen
  21. Thanks Nate. Integrated heat sinks aren't necessary.
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