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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Whats the deal with airline peanuts ?
  2. (> >) (< <) Or however that thing goes.
  3. Charging $5000-7500 for silver transformer upgrades is a little batty (Wavelength). I wonder what the best tube for the Coscent is...
  4. The DAC bypasses any SPDIF conversion and uses I2S, I think that's a pretty good design.
  5. Yet everyone I know will still prescribe generics over their name brand counter-part? This is the first time I'm hearing of the bioavailabily variances. Are there some good trials comparing generics vs name brand? (uptodate turns up nothing)
  6. Also looking forward to the Wavelength DAC impressions
  7. The guy that said "What's that thing with all the little lightbulbs?" He's the SS fan boy!
  8. Ah of course. Whenever I think ABX I automatically assume a friend is doing the switching. Which makes it single blind.
  9. Hmm I don't see how even an ABX test would produce false positives. A is either X or it isn't.
  10. No offense but we'd all like to be that way. Yet most of your posts that I read on Headfi are about silver cables, silver internal wiring, DHT amps, etc, etc. I've never seen you discuss music.
  11. But that doesn't make any sense... I guess it is a language barrier because a properly set up DBX can't produce false positives through expectations. It only shows what is there and what isn't.
  12. That's not a real pharm company, and I'm even more surprised thats happening in Iceland (if thats where your friend is from). Yes generics can and are made after a patent runs out and it is a very good thing. But it's not the same as copying and selling the same drug, which is very popular in third world countries.
  13. I think his audiophile side is getting the better of his logic
  14. They are? NIHS is going to pissed with the millions we have in our Cards research
  15. My post was a joke poking fun of how stats do bass And x2 on what Reks said about DBX
  16. I'd like to put you in a double blind test with a dynamic that has really weak bass and a stat that sounds like ass with more bass and you have to tell me which the estat is
  17. I'm a speaker guy too, but there is something awesome about headphone listening. Even the K1000 which are "monitor-like" are still headphones to me. Plus L3000 are pure win.
  18. Paid the remainder for Reks' HP-2 And....a Nintendo DS and R4 :dance: (Trauma Center Under the Knife and both Castlevanias pushed me over the edge)
  19. Yup that will be a good game.
  20. I agree he should have put in their second string offense, but I would have done it to give them some game time. Not to level the playing field. He can't handle the pressure of the New England H-C contingent!!1one
  21. I'm not going to lie I'd probably do it Of course I'd just stop trying for extra points and go for 2 point conversions just to see how high it could go (which is also why I'm not an NFL coach )
  22. Because the Dolphins are an embarrassment to the NFL
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