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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    My love for Seinfeld

    That is a good one.
  2. If you did eventually get a larger room and found out you liked efficient speakers (from what I've read from reputable places most of these people feel that music is conveyed best by SET amps) they probably wouldn't pair well with super powerful amps. Just IMO but it's ass backwards to choose the amps before the speakers.
  3. Go to: http://lastfm.obsessive-media.de/ And just paste the code into your sig using img tags.
  4. I agree I hope he was able to have the surgery and is doing well.
  5. Feeds on unsuspecting statheads
  6. I wonder how a balanced amp using 4x 6c33 would sound
  7. ;xVx; ;xVx; ;xVx; ;xVx;
  8. Pretty sure you'd be able to get the type of chicks that want to get with a guy driving a two million dollar car
  9. Churros ftw. God damn do I miss those NYC churros
  10. Ugh please stop whining about this \ It lost its "cuteness" a really long time ago.
  11. deepak

    slow forum

    Rename it to Lipitor. Cats are dumb it would never know the difference.
  12. deepak

    slow forum

    That just blew my head
  13. While I'm always eager to learn of more obscure ways of death, is there a preamp/volume control that will work in my situation that won't degrade the signal from my source (much)?
  14. I keep thinking of headphones as "pairs" And I have no idea why, it's not like I'm an R10 owner
  15. What other one? Sorry it probably should have read as "it's" (singular) rather than "they're" if that's what is causing the confusion
  16. Is there any setback (or problems that may occur) in using a TVC with SET amps? I'm sort of stumped on what I should get as a preamp for my speaker amps.
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