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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I've thought about those as well. But the guy that recommended the 45 amp said it did sound better than the Bottlehead 2A3. I hate these incremental "upgrades" hopefully the speakers will sound good with the B22.
  2. Under $700. It doesn't make much sense to spend more since they'll only be used temporarily.
  3. The onslaught of shitty news begins!
  4. Alright so I'll probably be able to get these beauts sooner than I thought I was eventually going to get one of the "great" 300B amps, either the Frankenstein MKII or Cardinal X2. But for the time being I need a more affordable solution since the speakers will set set me back quite a bit. I've received this design for a 45 amp from a gentleman on SH: I believe as little as 2 watts should be fine with these speakers, but every time I've heard them I recall the 300B blocks putting out 8 watts.
  5. BSG Razor was a little weird.
  6. deepak

    bye demonoid

    Ah sorry man, from our conversations it didn't sound like you used bit torrent. If I get another it's all yours.
  7. deepak

    bye demonoid

    Jacob I might have an invite to STMusic (one of the Oink offshoots) if what their admins say actually happens. Let me know if you want it. And possibly what.cd if their damn site actually comes back up.
  8. You fracking bandwagon fans! zed omg
  9. I'm keeping the K1000 for sure because they sound like sex with a proper 300B amp. And I'll be using the same amps for the speakers so no reason to get rid of them. But after hearing good speakers, headphones just sound dull.
  10. You should add this one: :headphonesftl:
  11. I'll join you jerks soon. I guess that makes me an admin too? Speakers ftw
  12. Oh damn Nate is the second NH celebrity look alike I know. My friend's dad looks like Bush Sr
  13. Oh god Creed is the man. The man!!!
  14. I've mostly been using the E-MU0404usb with its built in headphone amp which definitely bottle-necks the built in DAC. But combined with my M^3 the DAC in this soundcard is surprisingly decent. A bit edgy/gritty in the highs and not the biggest/deepest soundstage (compared to the North Star) but otherwise not bad at all for how little it costs. I wonder if it could be improved with a better output (tubed?) stage?
  15. Find a refurbished T40 and get an 8 cell battery.
  16. Well good horns I've heard some that were the very definition of the "horn sound"
  17. I'm not frowning on dcs or Emm Labs (and I agree with you). I'm actually really curious to hear about what goes into the APL players (given the relatively little technical information I've found on the web, other than hearing "it's the greatest digital player ever" ad nauseum), and if spritzer has some information I'd like to hear it.
  18. Can you tell us a bit about the APL engineering? Because reading their forums, there isn't much technical info other than a whole lot of ass kissing (or audio masturbation).
  19. That won't satisfy the amp fetishists Dusty.
  20. You should hear a pair of Avantgardes (in a good room)
  21. deepak


    Reminder for my walnut cups, you guys are getting me excited about these
  22. Ugh the DT770 is pure shit man :'( e: I only say this because he did mention music (along with movies and games)...
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