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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Hey welcome Nat, good to see you here
  2. Yeah welcome to Head-Case Dave
  3. The Artemis gear is way more than I'd like to spend on amps.
  4. Yup I would say CoD 4 or Bioshock for goty
  5. I like the added superiority of the north with the capital N
  6. postjack was born in Maine. He only pretends to be souf with that whole "i'll take a coke" thing.
  7. I've heard an Uno (don't know the version, iirc it's sort of new so it might be the only generation) and the Duo is definitely a nice step up. Biggest weakness with it was the bass and lower midrange inconsistencies, which was adding most of the colorations. Really wouldn't matter if I could find a pair under $200. Would make for a sweet project, an all DIY system.
  8. Definitely not... Though I do think the Heresys are super fun speakers to rock out with and I would get a pair if I could find some salvageable ones for cheap.
  9. Well so far they're the best speakers I've heard by a large margin. My impressions in my other thread still hold true after hearing the Duos in different systems. I've heard shitty horns (and way too many bunk single driver speakers) as well and they (obviously) didn't do it for me. I like neutral too. Believe me I wouldn't be pursuing them otherwise.
  10. Thanks man. iirc the Duos are 104 db/w 8 ohm nominal.
  11. I bet House can. If not he'll have a black guy break into a lab and/or hospital to find a cure.
  12. It's maple syrup urine disease I wish I got in on this H-C thing on the ground floor :/
  13. You made high rolla so someone up there likes you.
  14. You've come to the wrong forum to diss Senns. You were looking for head-place.
  15. Damn that postjack and his lies about the man, I figured I could trust him with him working in a bank and all
  16. e: read the whole thing, fuck that if there are none located near check cashing places. How am I suppose' pay for them, I won't have the man direct depositing mah checks.
  17. If your OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. LTD. C2100UZ still has the original size images you can find out whats the story with the dismantlin'
  18. Hot damn caught with his (proverbial) pants down
  19. Also known as an eraser head. The most evil thing to come out of IBM
  20. o rly? ps token this is like your fourth birfday thread damnit, go out and get pick up some large luvers
  21. Tell him to get his ass out of bed and stop playing WoW, he's at Duke for christs sake
  22. I don't know anyone I could borrow such an amp from. I'm not sure how long I'm going to use them, as I was hoping to get one of the 300B amps used. Though there was a good deal on 'Gon for a 6C45PI/300B amp. A bit more than I'd want to spend for an amp I'd more than likely upgrade.
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