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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    Deus Ex

    I think I played it on Windows 98 or ME (shudder).
  2. Yeah not the HD650 I'm sending you. The pair in question were sold a while ago.
  3. deepak

    Deus Ex

    I don't think so, I will try that
  4. deepak

    Deus Ex

    Has anyone got Deus Ex to run on XP, and if so how?
  5. deepak

    Deus Ex

    Planescape: Torment is a rare game that managed to get me completely sucked into the world. Fallout 1 and 2 are also brilliant. I never played Baldur's Gate 1 or 2, but I hope to when I have some free time (free time )
  6. I've heard them with an M^3 configured very close to my old one, still had that upper midrange harshness that made them sound like crap. The M^3 is a great amp, I doubt it was under driving them.
  7. deepak

    Deus Ex

    System Shock 1 and 2 were amazing as well. The last time I tried to play Deus Ex on Windows XP it felt like I was in in perma-turbo mode and I wasn't able to fix it with the latest patch Deus Ex Invisible War is terrible \
  8. Assorted I sold you my HD650 right? (sorry if I'm confusing you with someone else) If so did you like it?
  9. You don't even need to spend $300 on a balanced cable. You can reterminate the HD650 stock cable (which in my opinion is very good). For what it is worth I preferred the stock cable to a Cardas cable.
  10. deepak

    Deus Ex

    Any other Deus Ex fans? Deus Ex 3 has been announced, so I think I'm going to play through one of my favorite FPS again
  11. You have a lot of good times ahead of you
  12. The W5000 doesn't sound remotely like a K1000 though \ Harsh upper midrange and odd tonality is something the K1000 doesn't have.
  13. Real speakers have to be low sensitive huh?
  14. On the plus side I think the temp bans have led to an improvement in your spelling and grammar
  15. How far are you into BSG? Tough call.
  16. Moderating would be when Jacob starts swinging the temporary banhammer
  17. Arrested Development has sort of helped eased the pain of no Office.
  18. Until the writer's strike ends, it seems that way.
  19. Anyone else in Office withdrawal? :'(
  20. He was banned, under the no asshats rule
  21. Nope, there should be a minimum level of maturity at the very least.
  22. No problem, sorry about being so harsh. I just get a bit annoyed when it sounds like someone is flip flopping...
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