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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak


    It's a CDP not a DAC though. If I had a chance to demo a Prima DAC SE from a dealer I would jump on the opportunity. Though my friend with the Duos has had the Capitole in his system (specifically saying it was too soft) and he wasn't too impressed and in the end went with the Naim. So I question if it's the giant killer that people make it out to be.
  2. deepak


    "Don't care about headphones" when compared to a really nice speaker rig The North Star is too good to consider swapping out, I'd have to compare it with something side by side and it would have to be a lot better.
  3. deepak


    I'm not planning on it, the SET amps are single ended. My preamp is definitely going to be SE. And I don't care about headphones any more. "Yes but where would be the fun in that. More than half the parts would not be needed." The way I understood KG's post was that the amp wouldn't need half the parts to be built. Not in the sense that half the preamp wouldn't be used (but a full build would still be required). Which is why I replied in a half joking manner
  4. deepak


    Kevin would it be possible to build it all single ended? And are there any parts (FETs ) we're waiting on to be manufactured?
  5. deepak


    I for one am, the Blowtorch is pretty legendary
  6. Only if Patrick82 could make a cameo.
  7. How slow is SinglePower: http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2031.150.html Preamp discussion (split from this topic): http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2665.0.html edit: moved the discussion to speakers because it was about preamps.
  8. So you're basically using the amp to EQ the headphones? It still won't get rid of its other glaring flaws.
  9. If I was really a writer for the show I'd have House carry around a fibula and he'd whack someone every time they mentioned lupus in the differential diagnosis. My favorite anatomy prof always carried a long bone to whack people with
  10. Yup I think they're great headphones, and like wise both of my HD650s that I owned sounded pretty much the same. I agree that they lack midrange detail compared to other headphones.
  11. If I was a writer I'd put some Maggie 20.1s in his office. Make the ladies knees wobble
  12. He comes off as a guy that would like Maggies
  13. It's on the part of the XLR with the small circular Neutrik logo, that's where I've seen it in previous recables.
  14. I should add one thing that makes me wary about the SinglePowers is if the caps that they use are enough protection in case a tube decides to fail and take something out with it. I know postjack's SinglePower PPX3-SLAM killed one of the drivers in his RS-1. Just something to think about.
  15. Rockhopper Audio is building the B22. It should be a killer amp if the M^3 is any indication. http://www.rockhopperaudio.com/
  16. The SR-Omega is gorgeous. In my top 5 best looking headphones
  17. Yeah I'm referring to the Duos. I have not heard the Edgarhorns (my friend who has the Duos, says they're good) but all other horns I have listened to have distinct colorations in the midrange. Though the owner of Guerrilla Audio has a complete DIY horn setup that says they compete with a quarter million dollar Trio setup. But the importance of good SET amps is critical and I get why you say they can lack dynamics. I've heard a Duo setup using Art Audio 300B amps that was completely underwhelming for how much it cost.
  18. Poor generalization about SETs, I can guarantee you well designed SET amps (unfortunately there are all too many shitty ones) + good horn setup will give you some really big dynamics. In fact the best I've heard. Great tone, dynamics, as close to neutral (that I can hear) is the reason I'm going with such a setup.
  19. I haven't heard them, but my babies will be 105 db/w/m powered by sweet 300B set yummyness And I have to lose a decent amount of weight before each speaker weighs more than me edit: hot damn didn't know they weighed 155 lbs each, I'm not too far off
  20. deepak

    Deus Ex

    I don't have the game with me, but I believe it's the game of the year edition. I was last trying to run it on my laptop which has an ATi 9700 pro using the latest (at the time) Omega drivers.
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