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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Thanks man I appreciate it, very good price too. And they do look better than the Coincidents, but the Wavelength stuff is just dreamy Any well designed 300B amp should sound good with these speakers.
  2. Clue me into your good deals, I would kill for a SR-Lambda and SRD box for $200
  3. After hearing better gear I just couldn't do it headphone wise. Lots of ok sources (EMU0404usb) and very good amps (M^3) under $500, but not any headphones I could live with.
  4. The β22 is a very high quality DIY solid state amp ala the Dynahi. Information: http://www.amb.org/audio/beta22/
  5. Hey markl good to see you here. Have you thought about hearing a B22 in your system? Since people are always keen to loan you gear, you should try tracking one down (I have not heard one yet) Haven't heard the Denons, but cashing in on the R10 is probably smart, not a big fan either.
  6. Ah alright. So I don't completely derail this thread: I suppose a band that most people don't "get" is Bohren and Der Club of Gore. Or Sunn O))).
  7. I hope he's not so serious that he can't joke about it Or at least laugh at Tom Cruise (he's in med school, I'm sure he hates the Cruise too)
  8. You don't need antidepressants, depression isn't a medical dealy /Tom Cruise
  9. deepak

    The Witcher

    Has anyone played this yet? The reviews are really good and it sounds like an RPG done right, with the decision making.
  10. There is another pair for sale in super nice condition, offers in the $5000 range... for headphones I'd definitely sell at those going rates.
  11. purk when are you going to put together a speaker system?
  12. I normally don't care for Pitchfork, but I feel the reviewer nailed The Drift in this review. Much better than I could have put it. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/23262-the-drift There is a lot of stuff I listen to that I'd never recommend to people unless I really knew their taste in music (experimental, avant-garde, free jazz, improv, etc) but I really feel that The Drift is something that I'd tell any of my friends to try and hear at least once regardless of where their taste in music lies
  13. Listen at night with all the lights off I recommend the HD650, I believe postjack feels the same way. As far as Massive Attack, Mezzanine is the only album I can really get into by them (but I understand why people like their other stuff).
  14. I recall you had one of his compilation box sets (60s work), have you heard his more recent stuff? The Drift is one of the best albums in the last 20 years But I like his 60s/70s stuff too, but it's just so different from Climate of Hunter, Tilt and The Drift.
  15. Dream Theater and DragonForce super corny crap with terrible singers. Pretty much all death/black metal is cheesy as hell too. Prog metal and snorefest guitar wanking too. Anything Phil Collins era Genesis, he killed one great prog band I enjoy listening to Radiohead, but I don't see them as this revolutionary, super inventive band anymore. I like Opeth because I love good concept albums, and most of their albums tell a good story. I'm not as big a fan of Ghost Reveries as most people.
  16. Awesome, start browsing the internet radio stations there is some good stuff online
  17. Dusty, Kohn (Audiocubes rep) at Headfi is always really fast to reply to my PMs. It's a last resort if you don't mind logging in there. Audiocubes also sells CD3000 pads, that's where the guy I sold my CD3000 to got them from. http://www.audiocubes2.com/index.php?cPath=27&osCsid=2ee1b3da42e1ceb655d14c8be2bdd9a2
  18. deepak


    Yup I agree with system synergy at this level of performance.
  19. Glad you're enjoying them. Pics of you listening with Mouse Ears
  20. First season was my favorite (mainly because season two had a ton of drama). The episode in the first season where Michael has "race criticism" day is legendary
  21. Take your own advice guy: http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2669.0.html Your thread isn't making any ground breaking strides in the "I searched" department. Bitching about Headfi won't make you fit in here.
  22. deepak


    Again I'd have to hear it first in my system, before I drop however much they cost now that Stereoshill reviewed them To be honest the Wavelength Audio stuff is most likely what I'd try and go out of my way to hear in my system before anything else. Just because I believe that USB can be better than toslink/coax. But that brings the whole issue of requiring a computer to be in the same room as my speaker system. Just relaying what I heard from someone I trust. The North Star sounded dynamite in his system, but his modded Aries3 still walked all over it.
  23. deepak


    I know, I never wanted a CDP acting as an external DAC.
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