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Everything posted by deepak

  1. notoriousbigpj's wet dream
  2. Thanks a lot, more to satisfy my curiosity. What tube are you using in your DAC?
  3. Cool, did you guys take pictures of the insides?
  4. I suppose we all have biases. An exceptionally detailed, natural midrange is something I look for in a good headphone.
  5. If any owners (or former owners) could offer impressions of the Wavelength USB DACs I would appreciate it. Or any good user reviews on other forums. Thanks
  6. Well he's not the only one that thinks the W5000 have an odd midrange. It was one of the weakest points of the headphones when I heard them.
  7. Wow... Just wow... You do know you sound like a manipulative two year old?
  8. Great looking watch Eric
  9. Definitely makes sense, the more I thought about it, felt so wrong paying so much for one. But if I don't like the 300M I doubt I'll get a watch (for the moment), north of $2000 is just too much money.
  10. You should stick around. And I agree it was wrong of us (including myself) to doubt you had sold them for that much.
  11. I hope this isn't a Bond edition http://www.authenticwatches.com/omseam30222.html
  12. Yup I agree, there are some nice automatics in the $1500ish range as well. If I can try on the Seamaster with the large numerical set dial and I like it I will more than likely go with it, auto at $1600.
  13. Yup it seems quartz is what I'll have to go with if buying the Omega. The exact watch I wanted and ironically fits my budget: http://www.authenticwatches.com/omaqter254.html I will check the ADs when I'm in NH, not paying tax ftw. Haj: I checked the Hamilton website great looking watches.
  14. Thanks, I ruled out Breitling because I prefer a much simpler look (though they do have some nice non-chrono watches). Something like a Seamaster Aqua Terra (plain face) blue or black is the look I like.
  15. Sorry I didn't add that they were 16/44 and 24/96 files that I was comparing. So the higher resolution probably had something to do with it.
  16. I think it's time to retire my crappy digital watch, so after some light research it seems an Omega should be a decent middle ground watch for the mean time. But I still don't know much about its movement, and I don't really want to start poking around on watch forums Is it possible to get an Omega (basic stainless steel) for around $1300 new, preferably from an AD? How frequently will they need to be serviced? How durable is the watch face? I should add, that I prefer a conservative look, one that will go well with slacks/shirt and tie, scrubs, jeans, etc. Any other recommendations or advice about these watches or any others in my price range? Thanks guys.
  17. The other issue is, is 24 bit enough to capture all the information from an analog recording? I have never done comparisons between 24 bit and higher, but there are people at the SH forums that claim higher resolution sounds better. I know between 16 or 24 bit needle drops, the 24 bit sounds better. (ABX tested in foobar). And when you're doing a tape or needle drop to digital they are always going to have to go through an analog to digital converter which has some impact on the sound quality. I'd love to hear one done with something like the Apogee digital gear, but to me the original vinyl played back on a high end system sounds better than any needle drop (using computer sound cards).
  18. deepak

    K1000 = hope

    My girlfriend really likes the K1000 as well. I guess because it's so unheadphone like.
  19. $200 a tape with subscription isn't entirely unreasonable. A good DCC double LP will run you $40-60 new. I really don't want to know how much the modded players they're advertising cost...
  20. Ok I realized if we have the NE meet there's a chance we'd have 3 B22's in attendance if Nate finishes his balanced one
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