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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I don't think many people have heard the W11r. I think ayt999 owns or owned one.
  2. Earth - Hibernaculum is a great album that is worth checking out while you're adding stuff to your cart Lighter guitar drone.
  3. \m/ hell yeah! You have to grab Black One on vinyl, it rocks! If only you got into Sunn earlier you would have sunk so much money into them White box set originally sells for $80 (IIRC 4 piece vinyl, bunch of other stuff), now sells for twice as much.
  4. Like spritzer I prefer the normal SR-Lambda. I don't think most people have caught on but, they sell for significantly less than the Pros on ebay. edit: it's only fair to add I've only heard the Pro in meet conditions.
  5. The SRM-007t is about $700-900 used. The Lambdas vary so much price wise that I don't have a clue what you could price them at.
  6. 2007 was pretty wacky I had a Lavry DA10 for my source, which then changed to a North Star M192. This was my second best upgrade this year, I really love it. Also picked up a vinyl setup- Music Hall MMF-5 and NAD PP-2 that I really enjoy. My amp was an M^3 that I sold back to my friend. And then I got a Melos SHA-1 (the HP-2 synergy with Amperex tubes was oh so sweet). Sold that and was borrowing my friend's M^3. I hope to have a Beta22 sometime. Also sold my Pass Labs Aleph 30 amp, which I got in 2006. Good amp for the K1000, but it had its shortcomings. Did very little cable experimenting, hoping to try some better DIY silver cables in 2008. Headphones that came and went: AKG K340 (x2), Grado HP-2, Sony CD3000, Sennheiser HD650 (x2), AKG K701, Alessandro MS-1, Grado SR-225 and Grado HF-1 and a backup pair of K1000. Of the lot that were bought and sold only the CD3000 were truly repulsive. The bass heavy K430 and HF-1 were amongst the better ones. And obviously my backup K1000. Newly headphones for 2007 (that I still have): Audio Technica L3000, Grado HP-2 (#2), Senn HD580 and Grado SR-325. The L3000 are still my favorite headphones. The HD580 is an excellent value and so far my limited listening time with the SR-325/flats has not disappointed (though they're still a tad bit sizzly, could use some HF smoothing).The HP-2 are great but they might be sold since the L3000/K1000 are wonderful and complement each other perfectly, plus I have a really busy year work-wise. Conclusion: I found a second headphone that I really love, the Audio Technica L3000. Heard the K1000 in a much better system than mine and I can see how some consider it the best headphone made. Never thought that upgrading my source could have such a big impact on my system. Still playing the amp game. Now on to the real eye opener of 2007- hearing a rediculously well planned and thought out speaker system. It's not my system so I won't go on about it too much, but I know what the future holds for me now
  7. Hehe no I was just messing. The cable is the stock cable with 1/4->1/8 adapter.
  8. But the Gilmore doesn't have XLR outs... ruh oh
  9. Apartments are an excuse not to have speakers, no excuse for not having a vinyl setup
  10. Damn dude big money all the way eh
  11. Yeah I don't think I'll attempt that Probably overkill for undergrad use (even the basic Littmann stethoscopes are great, and the worse the stethoscope the more effort you have to put in training your ear to the different lung/heart sounds), but useful for post-grad cards.
  12. I didn't know the RS-1 drivers were dampened, or how to do it. I'll have to look for some high res pics. I'm just getting a feel for the stock SR-325 for the time being. With bowls = But with flats these are actually damn good. So true But it's awesome how sensitive it is...
  13. I'll have to think pretty hard about this one, we had a lot of great music in 2007. Thanks for the very thorough run down Ian.
  14. We don't normally celebrate the holidays, but I was surprised to get a very nice gift from my parents- a Littmann Master Cardiology stethoscope. Quite a nice surprise since I was planning on getting one soon. And I had a few other nice things waiting for me that I sent to their house which I wasn't able to get after Thanksgiving. A Grado SR-325 that I plan on modding, Beethoven 60 CD Masterworks boxset (ordered a hell of a long time ago from amazon, never expected to see it), new The Who - Who's Next (MCA Hoffman mastering) CD. And the CDs from the Headfi holiday gift exchange that I promised my exchange buddy I wouldn't open until I've sent out his CDs (still tweaking one of the things that I'm sending him ). edit: and not that this has anything to with the holidays, but I've been considering seriously over hauling my vinyl system, since I'm really loving the sweet sound I'm getting
  15. The best part about the Float is you look completely normal wearing them
  16. I've never heard or used an X-Fi, but I think they have bit perfect digital output. As for amp recommendations, there are people here that know a heck of a lot more than me (in the lower/mid spectrum) so I'll wait for them to chime in.
  17. A headphone amp should improve the sound of most headphones, but a poor quality headphone amp can make things sound worse. A good DAC should improve the sound. But I believe the Audigy cards muck around with the digital signal before sending it to the DAC (basically they aren't bit perfect) so I'm not too sure how much benefit you'd see from the DAC. Using a DAC and gaming will have no consequence with CPU use or your frame rate since the Audigy DSP is still doing all the processing- it's just sending that to the external DAC. I'll recommend the E-MU0404USB. It's not purely an external DAC, instead it's an external soundcard, via USB. It sounds very good for a ~ $180 unit and has a built in headphone amp that will be adequate until you want to upgrade it later on. You can also use it with an external amp later on, and as a DAC IMO it's exceptional for under $200. The only caveat is the headphone amp is bright (emphasizes the treble) and will be a poor match with Grados. But it will not give you EAX/advanced positional audio like the Audigy. However since it's USB you can unplug it when you're gaming and just use the Audigy/headphones for that.
  18. North Star M192 is around $1200 for a demo unit from Perotta Consulting. A clear step above the Benchmark and Lavry. And I've heard it in a hella nice speaker system and it didn't disappoint any of the people listening.
  19. Me too man, it was a nightmare on Christmas Eve But that live blues made my entire day better, and the two hour delay totally worth it.
  20. RIP, one of the greats I'll be listening to Montreux 77 today...
  21. K1000 + 300B monoblocks + blues musicians singing Christmas songs? (which I did get to see at O'Hare Airport )
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