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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I will make it my new year's resolution to finish Deadwood this year. Still in the fourth or fifth episode of season one.
  2. I'm hoping to hear the CS2.3 before the end of this year. If they can perform close to the CS2.4 then I'd be perfectly happy with them until I had my house situation sorted and upgrade to the Duos from there. One thing is for sure the CS2.4 could rock out
  3. I've only had the 90 and 120 in bottle. Liked them both. The 120 is oner of the sweeter beers I've had, almost like sugarcane sugar. The 120 is $9 a bottle at the Mass packies, my friend brought up 10 bottles
  4. I had the Dogfish 120 on New Years. Out of 10 plus people that tried it my friend (that bought it) and I were the only ones that liked it
  5. Marc I appreciate the feedback, I will definitely try and hear the Quatros. edit: do you have any impressions of the CS2.3?
  6. deepak

    Speaker Cable

    You're not supposed to admit being a MoT, that ruins the fun
  7. I got to hear a pair of these at a nearby hifi dealer today. Associated equipment: Esoteric CDP (looks like the SA-60, I forgot to take down the model) Anthem D6 (surround processor acting as preamp) Anthem Statement P2 power amp Thiel CS2.4 in standard finish, grills on. It took me about 15 minutes to get used to the presentation. I was sitting about 10 feet away in a 22x18 room, no real room treatments from what I saw. Anybody local to MA/NH it was at Ensemble hifi in the middle showroom. In this room I preferred the speakers facing forward. At first I wasn't too impressed with them, but like I said after I got adjusted to their presentation I started to like them. They're definitely audiophile speakers in that they are brutally revealing of poor recordings. They're also slightly tipped up in the treble, I suspect a tube preamp or power amp would have helped a lot. Imaging on them was fantastic, forward mixes like guitars and vocals sounded very holographic just like the Avantgarde Duos. However when listening to even well mastered rock cymbal crashes where a bit too forward and splashy. There was also a bit of sibilance on a few Jane Moneheit tracks. They handled classical music with ease (but on Duel of the Fates, didn't make tympani hits sound real enough). Both my NIN test tracks off The Fragile sounded fantastic and the speakers didn't fart out and give up during Just Like You Imagined or The Fragile (track). Solo violin, acoustic guitar, sitar timbre and "palpability" (yeah, yeah) was just fantastic. These speakers can keep up with complex passages and are appropriately fast when the music picks up. Wonderful midrange on them as well, not dry or colored. However I noticed there was virtually no sub-bass extension at all, the speakers were about 2.5 feet from the back walls. The dealer said they measured flat in their room, but no mention of the bass. So aside from the poor bass extension and brighter presentation no other glaring flaws. Both of which should be fixable. And Jacob says the bass on his pair are great, so I suspect it was something with this setup. Call this a compliment or a flaw IMO these are the AKG K1000 of speakers. Maybe the AKG K701, but the midrange is too dry on the 701. So that might read a bit harsh, but I really enjoyed them. I feel I have enough experience to rank what I've heard at this point so here goes: Avantgarde Duo - Thiel CS2.4 / Wilson WATT Puppy System 8 Wilson WATT Puppy System 7 - Martin Logan Summit B&W 802D - Edgarhorn Titan Martin Logan Purity B&W 703 Magnepan 1.6QR Cain and Cain Abbey / JBL ND310 (currently own) - So I do think highly of the Thiels to place them on the same level as a pair of $25000 speakers. I do need to hear the WPS8 again now that I have a bit more experience. I omitted any speakers I haven't spent enough time with that I could write anything useful about. ~~~~ Caveat ~~~~ all speakers where used in systems with varying electronics behind them and in different settings.
  8. 300B monoblocks, WE300B driven by ECC99, tube rectified psu, Lundahl iron Yeah SET amps that he had custom built. They are supposed to be tricky to setup but from what I understand the room makes less of a difference on the sound than traditional box speakers.
  9. It could be one of those "easter egg" sort of things. The designer leaving his mark, it's cool
  10. I would be at Gunstock right now if I wasn't stuck with the car :'(
  11. Happy new year Head-Casers!
  12. I just had a headache that went away on the car ride back to my house this morning. Glad I'm not hungover
  13. Thought I'd get this in before the year ends. I'll add descriptions if I can overcome laziness A+ Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet The National - Boxer The New Pornographers - Challengers Boris with Michio Kurihara - Rainbow A Ai Aso and Wata - Shes So Heavy Ghost - In Stormy Nights Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before the Ship Sank The White Stripes - Icky Thump Panda Bear - Person Pitch A- Radiohead - In Rainbows (reviewing it as a single disc) Porcupine Tree - Nil Recurring Six Organs of Admittance - Shelter From the Ash Pharaoh Overlord - Live in Suomi, Finland Life on Earth! - Look!! There is Life on Earth!! Jose Gonzalez - In Out Nature Earth - Hibernaculum Feist - The Reminder Dungen - Tio Bitar Nest - Trail of the Unwary B+ John Zorn - Six Litanies for Heliogabalus Broken Social Scene presents Kevin Drew - Spirit If James Blackshaw - The Cloud of Unknowing Blackfield - II Flight of the Conchords - The Distant Future The Bad Plus - Prog Battles - Mirrored B Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero The Bird and the Bee - s/t Rush - Snakes and Arrows Circle - Panic The Pineapple Thief - What We Have Sown Boris with Merzbow - Groon/Walrus Tristania - Illumination Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone B- Circle - Tower The Forms - s/t Kanye West - Graduation Pinback - Autumn of the Seraphs C Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris Neal Morse - Sola Scriptura Bjork - Volta Circle - Katapult D Wu Tang - 8 Diagrams K (need to listen to more) The Pirate Ship Quintet - 2007 - The Pirate Ship Quintet EP Weedeater - God Luck And Good Speed Titan -A Raining Sun Of Light And Love For You And You And You The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Doomjazz Future Corpses! The Album Leaf - The Enchanted Hill Opeth - The Roundhouse Tapes and album of the year for me is The National - Boxer
  14. Heh I don't think they'd mind a few extra crazies like myself around
  15. Thanks boomana unfortunately it's not my house, I'm staying with my parents for the holidays. I get to enjoy a two bedroom apartment with a view of an alleyway from my bedroom, but a nice view of a lake from our living room Spiug31 there is actually a really nice hill near the town hall for sledding. I predict a "slushy" spring in New England, with a little flooding
  16. We did get a pantload. And more coming up
  17. (pretty much how I spent my morning) mailbox is probably ~ 4 feet tall
  18. Sweet, eager to hear how they compare to the Etys!
  19. Fixed your link in your first post (was pointing to http://www."http.com//www.freqonline.com/superfreq.htm%22). What IEMs will you be able to compare them to when you get them?
  20. That's fine, if he wanted to participate. But it looks like spam to me (as it stands). And I don't see why he should have a sticky thread, taking priority over MoTs that contribute to the forum like Headamp, etc.
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