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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I give him medical advice, he sells me gears
  2. My North Star uses the Cirrus CS4396. I like the DAC (as a whole unit) a lot
  3. deepak


    Isn't the forum more of a joke where PinkFloyd can stroke his own ego...
  4. Dude didn't you just buy a Grado phono-stage? Gear-itis in full swing in 2008 as well
  5. I doubt there was anything wrong with the setup. I described it in the other thread. If I had a tube pre I would have loved to have swapped it in. But alas I did not.
  6. What makes you say the HD650 membrane is underdamped? And how do you know it's to a lesser extent of the HD600? Sorry doesn't make any sense to me.
  7. Wildcard Saturday Redskins v Seahawks Jags v Steelers right now
  8. There is without a doubt some mental burn in that takes place when people say "unlistenable out of the box" whether they like to admit it or not (whether this has to do with ego, buyers remorse, etc who knows). I experienced it a few days ago hearing Thiel speakers. Super bright when I first heard them, eventually adjusted to the sound...went back and played the tracks that I thought were super bright and they remained only "bright" and my brain had adjusted. Line level was digitally controlled so the volume was exactly the same. There is a lot of psychoacoustics that some people flat out refuse to believe exists.
  9. I disagree. You have a guy hiding and playing the cowbell behind your speakers. Bring in a friend and play one of his albums. Instant "oh my god I've never heard that on my CD before!" Win.
  10. This sort of makes sense. I mean there is USB transfer taking place from the line-out right (when you dock and transfer music)? Wadia would just have to decode that USB data to a digital signal...
  11. http://gizmodo.com/340518/itransport-is-worlds-first-purely-digital-ipod-dock
  12. I really would have liked to have seen a new top dynamic as well (or an electrostat) just to spice up a stale market.
  13. This topic has been moved to Speakers. [iurl=http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=2958.0]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=2958.0[/iurl] edit: this topic was split because of the speaker discussion, now moved to the speaker forum.
  14. I think everyone meant movies when they were talking about Blu-Ray... But I agree two channel for music.
  15. For movies, unless the movie has a sweet two channel mix (Star Wars laserdisc) surround sound ftw!
  16. Peculiar... I've heard them on some very nice balanced amps (would it be comparable to push-pull from a speaker amp? There's no way the drivers are getting more than 400 mw?) and they improve. Not an earth shattering improvement so if you didn't like the HD650 to start off with I didnt think the improvements were enough to warrant a change of opinion...
  17. Oh my god postjack is going to be cooler than me, plan failed If only I didn't need this Treo for its pharm software
  18. Thread locking privileges was a bit too much freedom for the plebians
  19. Razor extended. 18 minutes of extra footage better be worth it BSG season 3 gag reel: (does contain spoilers) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6307683077762423268&q=bsg+season+3+gag&total=6&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
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