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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak


    That was embarrassing
  2. deepak


    Wait...wait you go out to the poles, stand in line...just to waste your time. I'm all for comedy voting but if you have to register, drive to your voting station, stand in line...a bit much for a dumb joke?
  3. I'm going to buy a bunch to show the grandkids. "Back in my day we had these format wars, good times. 2 Fast 2 Furious? That was one of our masterpieces of modern cinema, they don't make them like that anymore"
  4. deepak


    Internet males ITT
  5. deepak


    Got to see him speak tonight. Unfortunately it was a concession speech, but gg it was still awesome.
  6. catscratch if you still have your HD600 could you try the speaker amp with them?
  7. Well it seems like my audio path is leading me straight into speakers. Any other recommendations for speakers I have to hear would be appreciated.
  8. Heh I doubt Toshiba is as adamant as Sony...
  9. I'll have to see this one. Been slacking on my movie watching for movies that came out in the last five or so years.
  10. He's decent in a few movies. But The Illusionist and Sideways are the only ones I recall having seen him where he had a big role. edit: and Cinderella Man
  11. Ok yes to all four. A bit less on Paul Giamatti.
  12. So Shoot Em Up is worth a watch?
  13. Sony is good for absolutely nothing Alternatively he's leaning by his monitors because his Sony's have too much treble and too little bass
  14. Laugh it up. That's Dr Dre endorsing them
  15. So you're telling me I should cancel my order
  16. deepak


    It's compounded by the fact that nearly every audiophile forum (including speakers) is so over moderated that people don't post about gear that sounds bad, give it undue praise for no reason or feel some need to believe that manufacturers are their best friends and don't want to say anything bad about their products. diyaudio is definitely a haven for good info, and I'm trying to wrap my head around it all.
  17. deepak


    Yet they too might be using shitty and cost cutting designs.
  18. The E-MU0404usb can act as an external DAC; it has digital inputs. The built in headphone amp is not so good though. As for needledrops they never sound like the original vinyl whenever I do them with this box :'( Reks mentioned the Apogee Mini-Me (IIRC since discontinued) for needle drops a while back. I don't think the Mini-DAC can do them.
  19. Ah yes. Fortunately the American microbrews (I would usually buy) aren't too expensive.
  20. Beer, and me wallet thanks me.
  21. deepak


    Headfi doesn't have rickmonster any more
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